生活大爆炸第八季 第95期:限制卡路里摄入量(在线收听

 Really? 真的假的?

Yeah, he wrote down everything he ever ate. He was convinced that calorie restriction was the key to living forever. 真的,他吃什么都要记下来。他坚信限制卡路里摄入量是长命百岁的关键。
Does it work? 那管用吗?
Seriously? 你闹呢?
Well, he could have been hit by a bus. You don't know. 他可能是死于车祸啊,你又不知道。
Sorry it's not more interesting. On the bright side, you didn't have to listen to his stomach growl for 35 years. 抱歉,真相不是那么有趣。往好的方面想,你们不必听他35年来肚子饿得咕噜叫的声音。
So, was there anything that Professor Abbott worked on during his life that came close to an accomplishment? 那艾伯特教授这辈子研究的东西,难道没有半点算得上是成就的东西吗?
To be honest, his research never amounted to anything. 老实说,他的研究一无所成。
Oh. You were his colleague. How did your research turn out? 你是他的同事。你的研究结果如何?
Great. Hey, this is the apartment you get when you win a Nobel. 很棒。得诺贝尔奖的人都住这种"豪宅"。
Well, you could be very frugal. I'm getting a little tired of everybody's sarcasm. 你可能是个很简朴的人啊。我真是受够了每个人都在说反话了。
I'm not a bully. I mean, maybe I come off a little strong, but that's only because my dad raised me to be tough and not to take crap from anybody. 我不是恶霸。或许我是表现得有那么一点强势,但那只是因为我父亲从小教育我要强硬,不要随便受人欺负。
No. That's fine, but there's a difference between being tough and telling your friend her new pants look like a saggy diaper. 那当然可以啊,但强硬跟告诉你的朋友她的新裤子像一块松垮的尿布,这两者还是有区别的。
I did say that, didn't I? 我的确那么说了,是吧?
Yeah, you did. I felt so self-conscious, I had to return them. 是的,你说了。我当时超级难为情,我只好把裤子退了。
Where? To Babies R Us? 退到哪儿?婴儿用品店吗?
You're doing it again! 你又来了!
Okay, sorry. Can we just go? I feel like everybody hates me. 对不起,我们可以走了吗?我感觉大家都讨厌我。
Oh, come on, they don't hate you, all right? They're just a little intimidated. All you need to do is show everyone how sweet you really are. 别这样,他们不讨厌你,好吗?他们只是有点怕你而已。你只需让大家看到你其实非常亲切。
I think I'd rather go. 我还是走吧。
No, come on. You are not going anywhere, all right? I am here for you, and we are gonna fix this together. 不,坐下。你哪儿也不许去,知道吗?我在这陪着你,我们一起来解决这问题。
Thank you. -Even though your dress is ugly. 谢谢。-虽然你今天的裙子很难看。
Well, my little Flag-keteers, it looks like the last episode of Fun with Flags is at an end. 我的小旗友们,最后一集《有趣的旗帜》就要结束了。
If I could, I would run each and every one of you viewers up a flagpole and salute you. 如果可以,你们每个人都是我升上去后愿意敬礼的旗帜。(原俗语直翻为"升到旗杆上,看看有没有人会敬礼。"意思是试试水、 看看反应的意思)