打工姐妹花第二季 第179期:公共场合脱裤子(在线收听

 Well, are you thinking what I'm thinking? 你也在想我想着的事吗?

Since we broke up, he got fat. 我跟他分手后,他变胖了。
It's only been four days. 你们才分手四天好吗。
Wynonna Judd gets fat in an hour. 薇诺娜·贾德一小时就能胖呢。
I'm too exhausted to even think about Andy. Let's just change and get to the diner. 我已经累到没力气想他的事了。我们赶紧换衣服去餐厅吧。
Look, all we have to do is make it through eight more hours, and then we can get a good night's sleep. 我们只需要再坚持个八小时,我们就能回家睡大觉了。
Max, you're taking your pants off in public! 麦克斯,你居然在公众场合脱裤子!
Oh, my God! I'm so tired, I forgot where I was! 我的天啊!我太累了,都忘了我在哪!
They're halfway down. What do I do? 裤子都脱一半了。我该怎么办?
I'm too tired to make the call. 我累到没力气决定了。