打工姐妹花第二季 第180期:困倦姐妹花(在线收听

 And I'll have the BLT with the french fries. 来一份培根生菜三明治加薯条。

Miss? I think our waitress is asleep. 小姐?我们的服务员好像睡着了。
Yeah, she's tired. We haven't slept a lot lately. 是啊,她很累,我们最近很缺觉。
When she wakes up, she'll take your order. 等她醒了,就会帮你们点单。
But we're really hungry... Leave her alone! 但我们已经很饿了...少烦她!
So I come to your job and wake you up? 我有在你上班时去叫醒过你吗?
Hi, can I take your order? 您好,准备好点单了吗?
I can see how tired you are, Max. 麦克斯,我看得出你有多累。
And if I could turn the clock back to '75, I'd help you out with a nice bump of cocaine. 如果我能把时光倒回75那会儿,我肯定会帮你搞点毒品助眠。
But I don't do that anymore. 但我已经金盆洗手了。
Earl, you quit coke in 1975? 厄尔,你1975年就戒毒啦?
No, when I was 75, last year. It just felt like time. 不,是去年,我75岁那会。岁月不饶人啊。
Now all I can give you is a nice bump of this. 现在我只能给你击拳鼓舞士气了。
Max, I need you to explain something to me 'cause I can't figure it out. 麦克斯,有件事我想你解释一下,我实在百思不得其解啊。
That's hard to believe, since you're 90% head. 你占据身体9成比例的大头,居然也想不出吗。
It's not a laughing matter, Max. I broke my mother's pelvis coming out. 这事不好笑好吗,麦克斯。当年我出世,我妈骨盆都裂了。
At least you finally came out. 千呼万唤始出世啊。
Oh, so you're awake enough to ridicule the boss, but not awake enough to wait on tables. 所以你够精神吐槽你老板,可是不够精神去端菜点单吗?
Exactly. See, there's that big head working. 没错。你的大脑袋还是有用的嘛。
And don't exaggerate. Caroline and I are doing a great job. Wake up. 而且别小题大做好吗。卡洛琳跟我干活可好了。醒醒。
Hi, can I take your order? 您好,准备好点单了吗?
All I know is if I was doing my job as bad as you two tonight, I'd take my own life. 我只知道如果我干活像你俩今晚这么烂的话,我早自尽去了。
That's not off the table. 你还是有机会的。
Come on, Han, cut us a break. We're working two jobs, we got two hours of sleep. 行啦,阿憨,放我们一马吧。我们有两份工,一天只能睡两小时。
We just want to get home and climb into bed. 我们只想回家睡大觉。
You're sleeping together? I mean, it's been a "will they or won't they" since they met. 你们睡一起吗?同睡分睡的问题,从你们一相见就困扰着我。