打工姐妹花第二季 第182期:算数达人(在线收听

 Whoa, those are some big-ass coffees! 哇靠,这杯咖啡大得吓人啊!

Yep, 64-ouncers. They told me they're bigger than the human stomach. 没错,1.9升杯呢。他们说这杯容量比人体的胃还大。
And the coffee's already working, 这杯咖啡已经开始发挥作用了,
'cause I figured out if it's midnight now, we have to be done at 10:00 A.M. 因为我已经算出现在是午夜,而我们得在明早10点交货,
so if it's 40 minutes per batch from beginning to end, 每一批小蛋糕从头到尾需要40分钟,
baking 4 dozen at a time, that's 48 cupcakes. 一次能做四打,也就是48个小蛋糕。
Times 20 trips to the oven, which equals nine hours, which equals $4,000. 乘以20批,刚好花费9小时,就等于四千块入手。
Give me that. Let's see if I can do math too. Ask me something. 16 times 12. 快让我喝两口。看我能不能学会算数。出题考我吧。16乘12。
I'm just going to enjoy my coffee. 我还是乖乖享受我的咖啡就好。
You enjoy, I'll preheat the oven. What's the temp? 你慢慢享用,我去预热烤箱。要几度?
325. There, that's the coffee talking. 162摄氏度。喝了咖啡再也不担心数学。