生活大爆炸第八季 第106期:把鸟赶出去(在线收听

 Well, if you're so smart, you get the bird out. 既然你那么聪明,你把鸟赶出去啊。

No, you're the one who let him in. 不,是你放进来的。
How do you know it wasn't Leonard? 你怎么知道不是莱纳德放进来的?
Come on. 你说呢。
What about that sweater? 那件毛衣怎么样?
No, it's not good enough. It has to be perfect. 不行,不够好。必须要完美。
I think the nicest gifts I've got from Howie show how well he knows me. 我觉得华仔送我最棒的礼物是一份体现了他有多了解我的礼物。
Let's see, what do I know about Amy? She loves medieval literature; Chaucer's her favorite. 我想想,我了解艾米什么?(杰弗雷·乔叟:英国文学之父,被公认为中世纪最伟大的英国诗人)她热爱中世纪文学,最欣赏乔叟。
And her eyes sparkle when she watches old French movies. I enjoy how harp music causes her fingers to dance as if she's playing along. 在看法国老电影时,她的眼睛会变星星眼。我爱看她会随着听到的竖琴声舞动手指,仿佛一同弹奏。
Wow, you really do love her. 你真的很爱她。
I do. Now, let's find the kind of gift that makes her feel small and worthless. 是呀。我们赶紧来找让她无地自容又自惭形秽的礼物吧。
You won! 你赢啦!
Certainly doesn't feel like it, does it? 一点胜利的喜悦都没有,对吧?
You know, my wife used to throw theme parties like this all the time. 我老婆以前总喜欢办这种主题派对。
Oh, I guess that's where Raj gets it from. 拉杰大概就是从那学的吧。
Well, he and his mother spent a lot of time together when he was young. I was always working. 他小时候总是和他妈妈待在一起。我一直在忙工作。
Hey, you know, Raj is dating a doctor who works a lot. Him and his mom have a type. You g...Y-You got to laugh at that, right? No? All right. 拉杰现在交往的医生也是经常忙工作。他和他妈都喜欢这型的。你...不觉得好笑吗?不好笑?好吧。