生活大爆炸第八季 第108期:闻起来非常美味(在线收听

 What do you mean, not again? 你说"又"是什么意思?

When I was ten, I was playing in my backyard and...sat on a blue jay. 在我十岁那年,我在后院玩,然后...坐到了一只冠蓝鸦上。
I mean, I tried to bring it back to life with electricity, but it just...caught on fire. The worst part was it smelled delicious. 我想用电击把它救活,但它...着火了。最糟糕的是闻起来非常美味。
Uh, guys, I found an article here that says you can do CPR on birds. 二位,我找到一篇文章,上面说心肺复苏可适用于鸟类。
Great! Do it! 太好了!你做啊!
I'm not doing it. You killed him, you do it. 我才不去。你杀的,你负责。
I'll do it. - No. I need to do it. This is on me. 我来。-不行。得让我来。这是我的责任。
Okay. "Mouth over beak and light chest compressions." 好。"以嘴覆盖于喙,轻轻胸部挤压。"
Don't blow too hard. If you pop him, I will vomit. 别吹得太狠了。你把它吹炸了,我会吐的。
Anything? 有发现吗?
I am tasting a lot of Slim Jim. 我尝到好浓的肉条味。
Wait, wait, his wing moved! 等等,它的翅膀动了!
Oh, he blinked his eyes! He's alive! -It's a Christmas miracle! 它眨眼睛了!它活过来了!-这真是圣诞节奇迹啊!
I might argue a Hanukkah miracle, but I'll take it. Come on, little guy, let's get you outside. Get the curtain. 对我来说是光明节奇迹,不过圣诞节也不错。(犹太人过的是光明节)来吧小家伙,我们放你出去。
Someone should really close that loading door. 把帘子拉开。有人真应该去关上外门。
Well, that's that. The room's compromised. They'll have to change all the filters, probably shut it down for weeks. 事情只能这样了。这个房间已经被污染了。所有的滤网都得换掉,可能得关闭好几周呢。
You were right. Go ahead, call Building Services. Tell them it was my fault. 你说得对。打电话给管理处吧。就说是我的错。
No, we're both to blame. You know, let me take the heat on this one. 不,我们俩都有错。这次就让我承担吧。
Yeah, just leave me out of it. You know if they come here and see crap everywhere, they're just gonna blame the Indian guy. 好吧,别扯到我头上就行。如果他们进来看到满地便便,肯定马上怪在印度人头上。