生活大爆炸第八季 第109期:开心了一分钟(在线收听

 Hey. I'm sorry, we're still here. Is everything okay? 抱歉,我们还在实验室。你那里还好吧?

It's kind of boring. Although it did get exciting for a minute when Amy inhaled a wool ball. How much longer do you think you'll be? 有点无聊。虽然艾米误吸进一个羊毛球时我稍微开心了一分钟。
I don't know. There's still a bird in here. We are gonna get in a ton of trouble. 你们还要多久才能来啊?我不知道。又进来了一只鸟。我们这下麻烦大了。
Honey, it's Christmas Eve. Who even knows you're in there? 亲爱的,今天是圣诞夜。谁会知道你们在那里?
No, our names are on the sign-in sheet. 我们在签到表上签名了。
So erase them and walk out. 那就把名字擦掉走人呗。
I can't do that. 我可不能这么做。
Can't do what? 不能做什么?
She says take our names off the sign-in sheet and leave. 她叫我们把名字擦掉直接走人。
We can't do that. - Yeah. 我们可不能这么做。-是啊。
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride, in a one-horse open sleigh, hey! 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当。我们滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,嘿!
Amy, that pudding was delicious. 艾米,这果干布丁真好吃。
If you like raisins. 如果你喜欢葡萄干的话。
Thank you. And it's figs. 多谢。我放的是无花果干。
Oh, in that case, it was pretty good. 如果是这样,那就变得"超美味"呢。
You feeling okay? You hardly touched your goose. 你还好吧?你都没怎么吃鹅肉。
It smelled too much like blue jay. 闻起来太像冠蓝鸦了。
Can I help you clean up? 我帮你收拾吧?
Oh, you Heimliched a ball of wool out of me; you're good. 你用海姆力克法帮我咳出了羊毛球,就不麻烦你了。
Uh, what do you say we exchange gifts? 我们开始交换礼物吧?
Oh, Sheldon, we didn't bring any. 谢尔顿,我们没带礼物啊。
I thought you hate giving gifts. 我以为你讨厌交换礼物呢。
Yeah, I do. Which is why I got Amy this. 我是讨厌。所以我才给艾米带了这个。
You got me something? 你给我带了礼物吗?
Oh, not just something, no. It's from the heart, it's holiday-themed, and I swallowed the gift receipt so you cannot return it. 不,不止是礼物。我这是用心挑选的 、节日主题的、收据被我吃了所以你也没法退了的礼物。