生活大爆炸第八季 第113期:新视野号太空探测器(在线收听

 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. 我的天啊,天啊,天啊。

Will you please relax? - I can't take it, dude. 你能放轻松点吗?-我承受不了了,兄弟。
You okay? 你没事吧?
No, I'm not okay. I feel like I'm gonna jump out of my skin. 我有事。我感觉我灵魂快冲出我的皮肤了。
I told you not to wax down there. It's itchy when it grows back. 我就告诉你别用蜜蜡给"那里"除毛。重新长出来的时候会痒。
I'm worried about the New Horizons space probe. 我在担心"新视野号太空探测器"。(于2006年发射,价值7亿美元,约钢琴般大小。在14年底从休眠中苏醒,正准备对冥王星进行探测)
What's he talking about? 他在说什么?
Nine years ago he was part of a team that launched a spacecraft to collect data about Pluto. It's finally close enough, so this morning it turned itself on. 九年前他曾在一个团队里,他们发射了探测器去搜集冥王星的资料。现在终于飞到够近了,所以今早它自行苏醒了。
We hope. The signal has to travel over three billion miles. So it's gonna be hours before we know if it even survived. 是希望它会。信号得穿越三十亿英里回来。所以得过好几小时才知道它有没有成功到达。
Now we get to see him flip out because he's worried it was demolished by space ice. 所以他这副样子,就是因为他在担心飞船在途中被太空冰给撞毁。
Space ice is no joke. I can't even watch Frozen anymore. 太空冰不是闹着玩的好吗。我现在都不敢看《冰雪奇缘》了。
Ooh, the philharmonic is playing Beethoven downtown. 费城爱乐在市中心演奏(玩)贝多芬呢。
Yeah, well, before you say yes, it's not the movie about the big dog. 在你答应之前,她说的不是电影里的那条大狗哦。(1992年电影《我家也有贝多芬》,主角狗狗就叫贝多芬)
How come we can't think of something we both want to do? 为什么我们想不出我们俩都想做的事呢?
Because you always pick what we do and I just go along with it. 因为每次都是你选我们做什么,我只是跟着你。
Ah, interesting. We're being accused of making you do things you don't like, and here you are, doing the same thing to poor Amy. 有趣。我们被你指控整天逼你们做不喜欢的事,结果一看,你对可怜的艾米也是这样。
You should point out the hypocrisy of that. 你应该指出她的行为有多伪君子。
That's what I was doing. 我刚才就是在说这个啊。
Oh, that wasn't clear. Try it again, but this time drive it home with, "How do you like them apples, missy?" 你说得不够清楚。再试一次,这一次单刀直入,并送上"自食其果了吧,小妞?"