生活大爆炸第八季 第117期:活着的世界里(在线收听

 On Earth? In our lives? That-That we're living? 在这个地球?在我们的生活中?在我们现在活着的世界里吗?

Oh, yes. I...Just yesterday, you had a-a big piece of lettuce stuck in your teeth at lunch. Did I say anything? 是啊,我...就在昨天,你吃午饭的时候牙齿上有一大片菜叶子。我有说什么吗?
No. I compromised and kept my mouth shut. Like you should've, because everyone was laughing at you. 完全没有。我做出让步,闭上了我的嘴。你当时也该闭上嘴,因为大家都在笑你。
That is not a compromise. A compromise is me driving you everywhere because you refuse to learn how. 你这不是让步。让步是我总得开车载你出门因为你不肯学开车。
Oh, I learned how. Amy taught me. 我会开车了,艾米教过我。
What? Then-Then why don't you do it? 什么?那你怎么不自己开?
Uh, well, it's scary. And sometimes I get the pedals mixed up. But, more importantly, driving me to work is one of the things that gives your life purpose. 因为开车好可怕。有时候我会分不清油门和刹车。但更重要的一点是,载我上班是你生存的意义之一呀。
I can't take that away from you, so...what do I do? Oh, come on, I'm practically feeding you the answer. I compromise. 我可不能残忍地剥夺它。所以... 我这算是什么呢?拜托,我把答案都送到你嘴边上了。我让步了。
Hey, uh, thanks for keeping me company. 多谢你来陪我。
I'm happy to. I think getting out of the apartment will do you good. So...where we headed? 乐意之极。我觉得出来活动活动对你有好处。那...我们这是要去哪儿?
If it's okay with you, I'd like to go to temple. 如果你不介意的话,我想去寺庙。
Buddy, trust me, you don't want to convert to Judaism. I mean, I know I make it look cool, but...it's not all briskets and dreidels. 兄弟,相信我,你不会想要皈依犹太教。我知道我让犹太教看起来很酷,但犹太教并不单纯是鸡胸肉和光明节陀螺而已。