生活大爆炸第八季 第122期:印度寺庙(在线收听

 Here we go, my first Hindu temple. 就是这,我去的第一间印度寺庙。

You see behind the fountain, that tower that looks like a pyramid? It's called a Sikhara.  你看见喷泉后面看起来像角锥体的塔了吗?这叫塔状室顶。
It symbolizes the-the connection between the human and the divine. 象征着人类和神的联系。
I always thought it was mini golf. 我一直以为它是迷你高尔夫球场呢。
All right. Shall we? 好吧,走吗?
Yeah. Just, uh, is there anything I should know before I go in? - Like what? 好。在进去之前,有什么事你要嘱咐我吗?-比如什么?
Like am I dressed okay? 我的衣着是否得体?
Really? So every other place you've been, you thought this was fine? 你说真的吗?你以为你这身衣服去其他地方就得体了吗?
I know you're under a lot of pressure, so I'm gonna let that pass. 我知道你压力很大,这事我就不计较了。
Sorry. You're right. I'm so stressed. But you know what, whenever I walk into that temple I realize that whatever happens, it's okay. 抱歉。你说得对。我压力太大了。你知道吗,不管何时我走进那间寺庙,就会懂得,不论发生什么,都没关系。
We're all part of an immense pattern, and though we can't understand it, we can be happy to know that it's-it's working its will through us. 我们都是无边宏大的规律中的一部分。虽然无法参透,但只要想到神明一直在我们身边守护,便觉得开心。
That's nice. 说得真好。
Whether you call it God or the universe or the self, we're all interconnected, and that's just a beautiful...Son of a bitch! That guy just dinged my car! 不管你叫它上帝,宇宙,或是自我,我们都是相互有联系的,美好的...死混蛋!那人碰到我的车了!
S-Seriously? Y-You were just gonna drive away? Like my life isn't hard enough right now. 你不是吧?你打算就这么一走了之吗?我的生活还不够惨吗:
A space probe might be destroyed, my parents are going through an awful divorce, the guy who cuts my dog's hair just gave her bangs! 一个航天探测器可能已经毁了,我的父母正经历一场难堪的离婚,我的狗被剪毛的剪了个马桶盖头!
Raj. 拉杰。
You saw her. She looks like Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber! 你也看到狗了。简直像《阿呆和阿瓜》里的金·凯瑞!
Raj, you just got a text. The probe turned on. It's fine. 拉杰,你收到条信息。探测器成功启动了。没事了。
Oh, good. Namaste, Grandpa. 太好了。晚辈有礼了,老爷爷。