生活大爆炸第八季 第129期:最闪亮的头发(在线收听

 All right, guys, what game do you want to play? 各位,你们想玩什么游戏?

Let's see. How about "Emily or Cinnamon"? 来看看。不如玩"艾米丽或小桂子"?
You know what? I think it's a little weird that you remember me saying all these things. Maybe the truth is-- you're jealous of all my relationships. 知道吗?你记得我说过的这些话,感觉有点奇怪。也许真相是,你嫉妒我所拥有的这些关系。
Oh, maybe I am. Who wouldn't want to be the girl, or possibly dog, to hear the words: "You're so lucky. You have the shiniest hair" 也许我是嫉妒。谁不想做这样的女孩,也有可能是狗,听到以下的话:"你真幸运。你有着最闪亮的头发(毛发)。"
That is a tough one. Uh, I-I know he brushes both of them. 好难抉择。我知道他既帮女友梳发,也帮狗梳毛。
Gentlemen...- Yeah. 先生们... -在。
I have figured out the perfect way for you to irritate me. 我想到了你们激怒我的最完美方法。
I'd like you to be my intellectual sparring partners. 我想你们做我的智力拳击陪练。
From now on, when I make an assertion, I need you to challenge it. 从现在开始,我发表的任何言论你们都要提出质疑。
So you just want us to disagree with whatever you say? -Yes. 就是说你说什么我们都反对吗?-是的。
And you think that's going to help? - Yes. 你觉得这样有帮助?-是的。
Well, I don't think that's gonna help at all. 我觉得这样做完全没帮助。
Oh, no, it will. See, by keeping my mind engaged, I'll become more focused. 不,会有的。我的大脑保持忙碌,我会更专心。
Howard's right. That'll never work. 霍华德说得对,这招不会有用的。
Stop fighting me on the premise. It's scientifically valid. I'm going to advance propositions, I just want you to challenge me. 别就管不管用反对我。这完全是有科学依据的。我会提出命题,我只是需要你们质疑我。
I don't think that's what you want at all. 我觉得这完全不是你想要的。
Why, of course it's what I want. Why would I say it's what I want if it's not what I want? 这当然是我想要的。如果不是,我为什么会说这是我想要的?
Because it is what you want, and it's not what you said. 因为这是你想要的,却不是你所说的。
I ask you for one simple thing, and you can't even do it. 我要求你们做这么简单的事,你们都做不到。
Yes, we can. - Yeah, well, then do it. - Nah. 我们可以。-那就照做。-就不。
You guys are the worst. Thank you, I think that was helpful. 你们差劲死了。谢谢,我想刚才有帮助。