生活大爆炸第八季 第130期:夏威夷之行(在线收听

 So, whichever rep has the best sales for the quarter gets a trip for two to Hawaii. 季度内最佳销售人员可以赢得二人夏威夷之行。

That would be so romantic for you and Leonard. 你和莱纳德去真是太浪漫了。
Yeah, clearly you haven't seen him on the beach walking around with his metal detector. 显然你没见过他在沙滩上拿着金属宝藏探测器乱走的样子。
If I were going to Hawaii, I'd spend all my time at the Keck Observatory. 如果我去夏威夷,我就整天待在凯克天文台。
Did you know that the telescopes there have better resolution than the Hubble? 你们知道吗?那里的望远镜比哈勃望远镜的分辨率还高。
Really? Want to go to Hawaii? 是吗?你想去夏威夷吗?
Ladies? Ladies...Ladies? 女士们?女士们...女士们?
Come in. 进来。
Ladies. 女士们。
What's up? 什么事?
As you may know, I've been experimenting with elevated anxiety levels, 你们也许知道,我在做提高焦虑水平的实验。
and I thought, what better way to increase my discomfort than to subject myself to an evening of tasteless uncensored crotch talk? 我想,最能提升我的不安的方法,就是让自己投身一晚枯燥乏味百无禁忌的性器官话题。
What exactly do you think goes on here? 你觉得我们平常的话题都是什么?
Well...conversations that you wouldn't be comfortable having in front of the opposite sex. You know, who has the best cervix. 就是些如果有异性在场时会令你们说起来尴尬的话题。比如,谁的子宫颈最好。
Which sanitary napkin is all the rage right now. Men's buttocks, and how you want to pat and squeeze them. 现在最流行哪种卫生棉。男士的臀部,以及你们渴望拍打和揉捏它。
We were talking about Penny's job. 我们在聊佩妮的工作。
And how difficult it is to do when she's bloated, cranky and crampy? Continue. 聊她傲慢兼暴脾气、又来大姨妈时多难相处吗?继续吧。
Sheldon, we are just people. We talk about the same things you guys talk about. 谢尔顿,我们只是普通人。我们聊的和你们男生聊的一样。
You talk about if werewolves can swim? See, Leonard says yes, but I say it depends on if the human could swim before he was bitten. What do you think? 你们在聊狼人是否能游泳吗?莱纳德说可以,但我说得看那人在被咬变身前会不会游泳。你们说呢?
Let's just talk about our periods. 咱们来聊月经吧。
No, hold on. All canines instinctively know how to swim. Why wouldn't a werewolf have the same abilities? 慢着。所有犬类天生就会游泳。为什么狼人不能拥有这种能力呢?
Well, they're not a hundred percent wolf. They're a werewolf, that's only part wolf. It's like comparing apples to oranges. 他们不是百分百狼。他们是狼人,只有部分是狼。就好比拿苹果和橙子作比较。
Thank you. Oh, and technically, it's apples that turn into were-oranges when the moon is full.  谢谢。确切来说,是满月时,苹果变成了狼橙子。真好玩。
Hey, this is fun. We should do it sometime when you aren't all PMS'ing. Bye. 改天你们都没有经前综合症时我们再聊。再见。