生活大爆炸第八季 第136期:负能量密度(在线收听

 Which means a spherical multidimensional superfluid shows the same negative-energy density as space-time. 所以球性多维超流体和时空具有同样的负能量密度。

So what do you think? What do you think? So what do you think? 你觉得如何?如何如何?你觉得如何?
Hmm... 嗯...
What? Is it wrong? Have you seen it somewhere else? 怎么了?我错了吗?还是你已经看过这种理论了?
Hmm... 嗯...
I know this isn't my area, and I could never do the math like you can, but could this be something...? 我知道这不是我的领域,我的数学也没你强,但这想法靠谱吗?
Well...You could have set Newton's gravitational constant to one. 这个嘛...你可以把牛顿的万有引力常数设为1。
And, ugh, the whole thing reeks of blueberry. You know I can't stand these scented markers. 而且,到处都弥漫着一股蓝莓味。我真是受不了这些香味记号笔。
No one told you to taste them. Come on, is-is this good or not? 又没人叫你吃它们。这个想法到底好不好嘛?
It's good. 很不错。
Really? 真的吗?
I like it. I think you're on to something. 我很看好它。我觉得这可能是个大发现。
You do? You're not messing with me? 真的吗?你没有逗我吧?
Not at all. In fact, I have got something for just such an occasion. 完全没有。事实上,我为这种时刻专门准备了一个东西。
I was starting to think I might never get a chance to give it to you. Good job. 我还以为自己不会有机会把这个给你了呢。表现不错。
You're giving me a sticker? 你给了我一张贴纸?
Indeed. Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying, "Me-wow!" 是的。但远不止贴纸那么简单。贴纸上有只猫在说 “干得喵!”
I'm not a preschooler. 我又不是幼儿园小孩儿。
Fine, I'll take it back. - I earned this! Back off! 那我把它收回吧。-这是我应得的!别想拿走!