生活大爆炸第八季 第141期:太丢人了(在线收听

 How could you not tell us you were in beauty pageants? 你怎么没告诉过我们你参加过选美?

'Cause it's embarrassing. 因为太丢人了。
It is; it truly is. 是的,太丢人了。
Yeah, well...Amy writes Little House on the Prairie fan fiction about herself and posts it on the Internet. 好吧...艾米以自己为主角写了《草原小屋》的同人小说还发到网上了。
No! 不是吧!
Why? What did I do? ! 为什么?我哪里得罪你了?!
Sorry, I had to get the spotlight off me, and tearing down other women is part of my pageant training. 抱歉,我得把注意力从我身上转移,攻击其他女生是我接受的选美特训内容之一。
Okay. We are reading that right now. 好的。我们现在就看。
No, please don't. 拜托别看。
We got embarrassed tonight. Come on. 反正今晚都丢人了。来吧。
But it's personal. 但这是隐私。
Why? Is it about you and Sheldon? 为什么?是写的你和谢尔顿吗?
No. 不是。
Oh, my God, it's about her and Sheldon. 老天,是她和谢尔顿的事。
It's not about me and Sheldon. It's about a young woman in the 1800s named Amelia... 不是我和谢尔顿的事。女主是19世纪名叫艾米莉亚的年轻女生,
and the time-traveling physicist named Cooper she falls in love with. 她爱上了穿越时空的名叫库珀的物理学家。
Please show us? - Please? 拜托给我们看看吧?-拜托。
No. 不。
You know I'm gonna read it either way. 你应该知道无论怎样我们都会看的。
Good luck finding it. 希望你运气好能找到。
Amelia and...the time-trav...Found it! It was just past dawn on the prairie, and like every morning, Amelia prepared to do her chores. 艾米莉亚和...穿越时...找到了!草原的黎明刚过,和其它早上一样,艾米莉亚准备做家务活。
Except something about this morning felt different. 只是今早感觉有些不同。
Why? Why did it feel different? 为什么呢?为什么感觉不同了?
Maybe it was the first whisper of winter in the air, or maybe it was the unconscious handsome man with porcelain skin and curious clothing she was about to discover lying in the field. 也许是因为空气中响过冬天的第一声低语,也许是因为她即将发现草地上躺着一位昏迷的、 有着瓷器一样精致的皮肤的、穿着古怪衣衫的英俊男子。
A man who would open her mind to new possibilities and her body to new feelings. 这个男人将开拓她的思想至无限可能,也会让她的身体领略未知的感受。