生活大爆炸第八季 第142期:曾经我很孤独(在线收听

 You know, there was a time when I was alone and had no friends. I'm starting to miss that. 曾经我很孤独,没有朋友。我开始想念那种时光了。

He still hasn't responded. What's taking him so long? 他还是没回复。他怎么这么慢?
Do you really want him to write back? 你真的想要他回复吗?
Yeah, I do. No matter how he responds, I am going to destroy him with a picture of a bored cat saying, "Oh, really?" 是的。无论他回复什么,我都打算用一只一脸不屑的猫说"哦,真的喵?"的图来羞辱他。
Me-wow. 干得喵。
What are you doing? 你在做什么?
I've, uh, created some other user accounts so I can post positive comments about their paper. 我注册了一些小号,这样可以赞美他们的论文。
This wee li'l bairn of a theory nearly blew my kilt off? 这年轻人的理论险些把我的苏格兰短裙惊落了?
No. You have to read it how Dr. Angus McDoogal of the University of Edinburgh would. 不,你应该像爱丁堡大学的安格斯·麦克多戈尔博士那样读。
This wee li'l bairn of a theory nearly blew me kilt off. 这小孩家家的理论差点把我的苏格兰短裙都吓掉了呦。
He wrote back! Cooper and Hofstadter resorting to juvenile attempts at humor Is proof they have nothing to back up their ridiculous paper. 他回复了!库霍氏求助于幼稚的玩笑话,证明了他们没有可支持他们可笑论文的东西。
It should come as no surprise. Given they work at Cal Tech, essentially a technical school, where even the physicists are basically engineers. 这也不足为奇,考虑到他们所在的加州理工,本质上是技术学院,那里的物理学家从根本上来说就只是工程师。
"Engineers"! Do you know how insulting that is? "工程师"!知道这有多侮辱人吗?
Yes. 知道。
Guys, this person's just going out of their way to get a rise out of you. 各位,这家伙只是想尽办法来激怒你们。
Yeah, but it's still so aggravating. 没错,但还是气死人。
Yeah, well, all the other comments said really nice things. Focus on those. 其它的评论都是正面的溢美之词。看那些就行了。
Yeah. Dr. Dmitri Plancovik of Moscow University said, "Dis paper great. I love it more than 'wodka." 没错。莫斯科大学的迪米崔·普兰克维克博士说:"论文杠杠的。我稀罕它,比伏特加还够劲儿。"