生活大爆炸第八季 第145期:霍金喜欢我们的论文(在线收听

 Good to see you again, Mr. Stephen-Hawking-Liked-Our-Paper. 再见到你很高兴,史蒂芬·霍金喜欢我们的论文先生。

And you as well, Mr. Our-Premise-Is-Intriguing. 彼此彼此,我们的假设很有趣先生。
How do you do, Mr. I'll- Admit-That's-Pretty-Cool? 你好啊,我承认这事儿挺酷先生?
Yeah, you keep setting me up for failure. 好,你一直让我感觉很失败。
With a heavy heart, Amelia stood before the newly repaired time machine. She regretted giving Cooper the part he needed. 带着沉重的心情,艾米莉亚站在刚修好的时间机器前。她后悔把库珀需要的部分给他了。
Because she wanted him to give her the part she needed. 因为她想的是他能交出她需要的那"部分"。
Okay, that's enough. 行了,够了。
What? No! I really want to know what happens, and Bernadette really, really, really wants to know what happens. 怎么了?不要啊!我真的很想知道后来怎么了...还有伯纳黛特真滴、 真滴、 真滴想知道后来怎么了嘛。
You're just making fun of me. 你们就是在拿我取乐。
I was just kidding. I'm sorry. And the story's really good! 我刚刚是在开玩笑的。抱歉。这个故事写得真的很好!
No, it is! Does he stay? Do they kiss? Does she find out about Montana? 就是啊!他有没有留下?他们接吻了吗?她最后知道蒙大拿的事了吗?
Please? 拜托?
Fine. As Cooper prepared to depart, Tears filled Amelia's eyes. he took her hand in his and said, 'I can't stay, but I will never forget you.' 好吧。"在库珀准备起飞时,泪水溢满了艾米莉亚的眼睛。他拉起她的手说,'我不能留下来,但我永远都不会忘记你的。'
He brushed his fingers against her cheek, then quickly stepped into the machine. 他的手指轻轻抚过她的脸颊,然后快步地走入机器。
'Please don't go,' she whispered. But it was too late. The engine hummed to life. '请不要离开,' 她呢喃道。但一切都已经太晚了。引擎呼啸着启动了。
But they didn't even kiss. 但他们还没有接过吻啊。
She turned away, wiping her eyes. She couldn't bear to watch her one chance at true love disappear forever. 她转过身去,抹掉眼中的泪水。她无法忍受眼睁睁看着自己的一生所爱永远地消失离开。
Then...she felt a strong hand on her shoulder spin her around. it was Cooper. 然后...她感到一只强壮的手搭在自己的肩头,将她扳回身去。是库珀。
Yes! 太棒了!
'What about the future?' asked Amelia. He looked deeply into her eyes and whispered, 'There is no future without you.' '未来怎么办?' 艾米莉亚问道。他深深地注视着她的双眸,轻声说,'没有你就没有未来。'
He pulled her in close. She began to tremble all over. 他一把将她拉近。她的身体开始颤抖。
She felt his warm breath...- You will not believe what Stephen Hawking just said. - Get out! - Not now! 能感受到他温暖的呼吸..."-你们肯定不信刚刚史蒂芬·霍金说什么了。-滚!-出去!