生活大爆炸第八季 第146期:贴身衣物(在线收听

 Is the water warm enough? 水够热吗?

Given the fact that you took the time to build a wood fire, draw the water from the well and heat it, it would be rude to complain. 考虑到你花时间烧柴生火,从井里打水又烧热,如果我再抱怨就太无礼了。
But since you asked, it's a little nippy. 但既然你都问了,有点儿凉。
I can fix that. I couldn't help but notice your unusual undergarments. 我能解决。我很难不注意到你那不同寻常的贴身衣物。
They're not undergarments. They're Underoos. Where I come from, they're known as "Underwear that's fun to wear." 那不是贴身衣物。那是小裤裤。我来的地方把这个叫做"又酷又好玩的裤"。
And what's the significance of the spider? 那蜘蛛的意义又是什么?
Oh, that represents Spider-Man. He does whatever a spider can. 那代表着蜘蛛侠。蜘蛛能干啥,他就能干啥。
There's a lot of rhyming in the future, isn't there? 未来说话都很押韵是吧?
You're right. This is even weirder than I thought. 你说得对。比我想得更诡异。
You want me to stop reading? 要不要我停下?
Are you kidding? No, no. 开什么玩笑?继续,继续。
As he stood for Amelia to dry him... 他站起身来,方便她擦干身体...
So, tell me, Cooper...are the ways of physical love different in the future? 告诉我,库珀...未来肌肤相亲的方式也不同吗?
Yeah, okay, I'm good. 够了,我听够了。