生活大爆炸第八季 第151期:观想术(在线收听

 You know, some people try visualization. 有些人会尝试运用观想术。

How does that work? 那要怎么做?
Okay, imagine your problems are a pen. 好,想像你的问题是一支笔。
Okay. 好的。
Now imagine you're holding that pen. 现在想象你握着那支笔。
Okay. 好的。
Now open your hand and let it go. 现在松开手,让笔掉下来(算了吧)。
But I just got this pen. It's got my initials on it and everything. Look. 可我才拿到这支笔。上面有我名字的首字母缩写呢。你看。
Sheldon, this isn't that hard. 谢尔顿,这没有那么难。
I may have a better way that you can teach me. 我或许有个让你教我的更好办法。
How? 怎么做?
What if I told you that over the past few months Amy has secretly been giving you little puzzles to test your intelligence against chimpanzees in her lab? 如果我告诉你,在过去几个月里,艾米在暗中悄悄让你做一些智力小难题,就为了对比你和她实验室黑猩猩谁更聪明呢?
What? She didn't give me any puzzles. 什么?她才没让我解决什么小难题呢。
Are you sure? 你确定吗?
Boy, I just can't seem to get these scissors back together. Can you do it? 天啊,我把剪刀弄成两半装不回来了。你能帮个忙吗?
Darn it. There's something in my eye, and I need to sort these coins by size. Can you help? 糟糕。我的眼睛进东西了,我得把这些硬币按大小分类。你能帮个忙吗?
Penny? I really want to eat this banana, but it's stuck inside this bamboo puzzle box. 佩妮?我超级想吃香蕉,但它被卡在这个竹子机关箱了。
Son of a bitch! 那个科学婊!
Okay, that's great. Now, let it go. 太好了。现在想,算了吧。