生活大爆炸第八季 第152期:测试对比(在线收听

 I can't believe you were testing me against a chimp! 你们居然把我和黑猩猩拿来做测试对比!

Well, excuse me, Amy was testing you. I was rooting for you. Good job on that banana box, by the way. 抱歉,测试你的人是艾米。我可是很看好你哦。对了,打开机关箱那次做得很不错哟。
Why would she even do this? 她为什么要这样做?
She's been conducting an experiment on apes where they're given various puzzles to solve. 艾米在对人猿进行一系列实验,给它们各种难题让它们解决。
I was surprised at the complexity of the puzzles and thought some humans wouldn't be able to solve them. 我对难题的复杂度表示惊讶,觉得可能有些人类都未必能解决。
That's when Amy said, "Want to make this interesting?" 于是艾米就说 "想让实验变得更有趣吗?"
"Make this interesting"? You bet money on me? "让实验变得有趣"?你们还拿我开赌盘了吗?
No, no. We designed an experiment involving you. See? Now, isn't that interesting? 当然不。我们设计了让你参与其中的实验。瞧,这样是不是很有趣呀?
It's not interesting. It's incredibly insulting. 这一点都不有趣。简直太侮辱人了。
Okay, maybe this will help: imagine you're holding a pen. 好吧,或许这样会有用:想象你拿着一支笔。
Before you go too far, not a special pen with your initials engraved on it, that'll make the next part really hard. 别想太多,就是一支普通的笔,上面没有刻你的姓名首字母,不然下一步会很难做。
That's it. Get out! 够了。出去!
I don't understand why you're mad at me. You should be mad at Amy. 我不懂你为啥要冲我发火。你应该朝艾米发火。
Like I was this afternoon. Hey, look at that, I let it go. -Get out! 跟我下午的时候一样。你瞧,我已经算了。-出去!
Penny? - What? 佩妮?-干嘛?
I think I left my pen in there. 我好像把笔留在里面了。
I understand why you're upset, but he worked really hard to get the store ready. And it's just furniture. 我懂你为什么不开心,可是他真的很努力地准备开店。不过是一些家具。
It's my mom's furniture. 是我妈的家具。
It belongs in the house I grew up in, next to that pile of TV Guides and in plain view of what, for a ten-year-old, was a quality piece of string art! 属于我从小长大的房子,就放在那堆电视节目表旁边,在一个十岁孩子的眼里可是很棒的线条艺术!