生活大爆炸第八季 第156期:这商店太棒了(在线收听

 Thank you. 谢谢。

Wow, the store looks great. 这商店太棒了。
So you guys were testing us both? What is the matter with you? 你们对我俩都做测试了吗?你们脑子有啥毛病啊?
Eh, what's the matter with them is they think they're so smart they don't care if they hurt other people's feelings. 他们的毛病就是他们觉得自己聪明到冒烟了,根本不在乎会伤到别人的感情。
Sounds like us. - That's not true. 好像是这么回事。-完全不是这么回事。
I still don't understand why you're upset. You solved every puzzle faster than all of the chimps. 我还是没理解你们为什么生气。你们每道题都解的比黑猩猩快。
Well, except Barnabas, but he was on Adderall. 除了比巴纳巴斯慢,但他吃着药呢。
I'm sorry, but it's making me crazy. 对不起,可是逼得我快疯了。
Can you please just let it go? 你能不能就这么算了吧?
Oh, I can help you with that. Imagine you're holding an ordinary pen. 这事我能帮忙。想象你手里握着一支普通的笔。
While your favorite pen is safe and secure in your pocket. 而你最喜欢地笔好好的放在口袋里。
Hold that thought. Hello? 等会再说。你好?
How can I make this up to you? 要怎么才能弥补?
The answer's in this puzzle box. Let's see if you can open it. 答案就在这个机关盒里。看看你能不能打开它呢。
You could have at least warned him about the furniture. 你就不能先提醒他一下家具的事吗。
That's what I said when we moved it. 我们搬的时候我就是这么说的。
You helped him? ! 你还帮着搬了?!
No, Stuart picked out those throw pillows all on his own. 没有,抱枕都是斯图尔特自己搬的哦。
Hey, you okay? 你没事吧?
Uh, no. 有事。
What's wrong? 怎么了?
My mom died. 我母亲去世了。(为霍华德母亲配音的演员已在2014年11月11日去世了)
What? 什么?
That was my aunt. Ma took a nap. She never woke up. 是我姨妈打来的。妈妈小睡了一会,但她再也没醒过来。
Oh, my God, Howie. 天啊,华仔。