乔布斯传 第497期:连点成线(8)(在线收听

 Jobs knew digital photography was also about to explode, 乔布斯意识到,数码照相也是一个即将爆发的领域,

so Apple developed ways to make the computer the hub of your photos. 所以苹果也开发了一些让计算机成为“照片中心”的方法。
But for the first year at least, he took his eye off one really big opportunity. 但是至少在第一年里,他错过了一个绝好的机会。
HP and a few others were producing a drive that burned music CDs, 当时,惠普和其他一些公司正在制造刻录音乐CD的光驱,
but Jobs decreed that Apple should focus on video rather than music. 但是乔布斯意气用事,坚持让苹果专注于视频而不是音乐。
In addition, his angry insistence that the iMac get rid of its tray disk drive and use instead a more elegant slot drive 另外,乔布斯还坚持让iMac装配一种“更高雅”的吸人式光盘插槽,而不是传统的托盘式光驱,
meant that it could not include the first CD burners, which were initially made for the tray format. 这就意味着iMac错过了配备第一代刻录光驱的机会,因为当时只有托盘式光驱才能具备这种功能。
"We kind of missed the boat on that," he recalled. "So we needed to catch up real fast." 他回忆道:“我们错过了这班船,所以我们需要迎头赶上。”
The mark of an innovative company is not only that it comes up with new ideas first, 一家创新型的公司不仅仅要做到推陈出新,
but also that it knows how to leapfrog when it finds itself behind. 而且还要在落后时知道如何迎头追上。