生活大爆炸第八季 第157期:我能说句话吗(在线收听

 I'm so sorry. 我很难过。

What can we do? 我们能做些什么吗?
I don't know. 我不知道。
May I say something? 我能说句话吗?
Not right now, Sheldon. 现在别说了,谢尔顿。
But I think it would be comforting. - Buddy...- No, it's okay. What? 但我觉得可以安慰到他。-兄弟...-不,没事的。你想说什么?
When I lost my own father, I didn't have any friends to help me through it. You do. 当我的父亲去世时,我没有任何朋友陪我渡过那段时间。而你有。
I really thought he was gonna say, "let it go." 我真以为他会说"算了吧"。
Okay, thanks, Bernadette. Travel safe. Okay, bye. They booked a flight. They're heading to the airport now. 谢谢,伯纳黛特。一路平安。好,再见。他们订了机票,现在往机场走呢。
How's Howard holding up? 霍华德状态怎么样?
He's hanging in there. 他还撑得住。
How are you doing, Stuart? 你还好吗,斯图尔特?
Still can't believe she's gone. I mean, that woman took me in. If it wasn't for her, I-I would have been homeless. 还是不敢相信她居然走了。是这个女人收留了我。如果没有她,我可能要露宿街头了。
One of us would have taken you in. 我们中也肯定有人会收留你的。
Yeah, I don't recall any offers.  是吗,我怎么没想起来有谁说过。
But, you know, uh, I-I'm glad it worked out the way it did because I got to know this wonderful person. 但这样也挺好,我很高兴最后是她收留了我,因为我由此认识了一位善良的人。
Yeah. Mrs. Wolowitz was pretty special. 是啊。沃罗威茨夫人非常特别。
When I first moved to America, Howard was my only friend. She made me feel so welcome in her home. 我刚搬到美国时,霍华德是我唯一的朋友,每次我去她家,她都非常欢迎我。