生活大爆炸第八季 第159期:坠入了爱河(在线收听

 Just out of curiosity, Penny, if this experiment does make us fall in love, would you drive me to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for Gary Con? 佩妮,我就好奇,如果这个实验真让我们坠入了爱河?你会愿意载我去威斯康星州的日内瓦湖城参加加里大会吗?

It's the only convention celebrating the life and work of Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons. 这是唯一一个庆祝加里·吉盖克斯的一生与成就的大会。他是《龙与地下城》(桌游)的创始者之一。
You know what? I can honestly say if we fall in love, not only will I drive you there, I will buy you all the dragon T-shirts you want. 其实呢,我诚心告诉你。如果我们爱上对方,我不止会载你去那里,我还会买所有你想要的龙T恤给你。
Okay, babe, let's do this. 来吧,宝贝儿,咱们来吧。
You guys are really being calm about Penny and Sheldon doing this thing. If it were me, I-I'd be a little nervous. 你们真的能这么冷静面对佩妮与谢尔顿做这个实验的事吗?如果我是你们,我就会有点紧张。
Why? 为什么?
Well, even if the study's nonsense, I-I don't believe in tempting fate. 就算那研究只是胡扯,我这个人还是不敢拼人品。
Same reason I wouldn't use a Ouija board, or pick a fight with an Asian guy. 所以我也不愿意用碟仙板,或者招惹亚洲人。
Well, he probably doesn't know karate, but...why risk it? 虽然他应该不会空手道,但是...干嘛冒险呢?
I think we're safe. 我想我们没啥好担心的。
Well, that's what the bullies at Bruce Lee's high school thought. And then, bam! Karate. 李小龙高中里的小混混也是这么想啊。结果咧,哇哒!空手道。
Well, are we just gonna sit here while they do the experiment? 我们就干坐在这里等他们做完实验吗?
The two of us could do it. 我跟你也可以做啊。
Yeah, sure, that might be fun. 行啊,应该挺好玩的。
What's the first question? 第一个问题是什么?
Hang on. Okay. "Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?" 稍等。好的。"如果可以跟世上任何人共进晚餐,你会选择谁呢?"
I can honestly say Penny. 我真心会选佩妮。
Then I choose a janitor. 'Cause I'm about to throw up. 那我会选清洁工,因为我要吐了。
I'm in love. Let's do something else. 我恋爱了。来做点别的吧。
Ooh, uh, Emily gets off work soon. Why don't the four of us go out? 艾米丽快下班了。我们四个人可以一起出去玩啊?
Okay. - Sounds good. 行啊。-听起来不错。
Should we call Howard and Bernadette? 我们要打电话问问霍华德跟伯纳黛特吗?
I don't know what time their plane gets in, but let me, let me shoot them a text. 我不知道他们什么时候下机,不过我发条短信问问看吧。
Did he say anything about the funeral? 他有说葬礼怎么样吗?