生活大爆炸第八季 第161期:密室逃脱游戏(在线收听

 So, what do you guys want to do? 你们俩想做点什么?

Well, we're the ones tagging along, you pick. 我们俩是跟屁虫,你们定吧。
Have you ever been to an escape room? 你们玩过密室逃脱游戏吗?
Mm-mm, what's that? 那是什么?
Um...it's kind of like interactive theater, except you have to solve puzzles in a certain amount of time to get out. 有点像互动式剧场,不过为了逃出密室你必须在规定时间内解出谜题。
There's one downtown where they trap you in a room with a zombie. 市中心有一间,把人和一个僵尸关在一起。
Oh. So, kind of like what's happening with Penny right now. 有点像现在佩妮的处境嘛。
What would constitute a perfect day for you? 你心中最完美的一天是做哪些事呢?
Uh, well...I'd probably sleep in, do a little yoga, then lie on the beach while cute cabana boys brought me drinks and... 这个嘛...我很可能睡个懒觉,做做瑜伽。然后去海滩上躺着,有帅气的小伙子给我端喝的...
probably get a massage and then cap off the night with some dancing. 可能会去做按摩,晚上跳跳舞来结束这完美的一天。
That's it? 就这样吗?
Yeah, why? 是啊,怎么了?
You didn't mention Leonard. 你完全没提到莱纳德。
He's there. 他也在啊。
I don't think so. Leonard can't stand yoga, the beach, massages or dancing. 我可不这么认为。莱纳德受不了瑜伽、海滩、 按摩或跳舞。
Yeah, well, he brought a book, okay? What's yours? 他带了书在一边看,行了吗?你的答案是什么?
Uh, I wake up. Uh, I enjoy some French toast with butter and syrup. 我早上醒来,享用了浇上黄油和枫糖的法式吐司。
Uh, then a wormhole opens, and whisks me millions of years into the future 然后一个虫洞打开,带我穿越到数百万年后的未来。
where my towering intellect is used to save the last remnants of mankind from a predatory alien race. 用我超群的智慧去拯救掠夺成性的外星种族残害下最后一名人类。
Interesting, you didn't mention Amy. 奇怪,你也没提艾米啊。
Who do you think made the French toast with butter and syrup? 你觉得浇上黄油和枫糖的法式吐司是谁做的?