生活大爆炸第八季 第164期:一直很有自信(在线收听

 Really? You always seem so confident. 真的吗?你看起来一直很有自信啊。

Well, I'm not. And if I could read people's minds, life would be so much simpler. 其实我没有。如果我能读懂别人的心思,生活应该多么轻松愉快啊。
Well, now I wish I had the ability to make that stuff easier for you. 我现在希望我拥有能让你轻松读懂别人心思的能力了。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Wow, I just felt this wave of affection for you. 哇哦,我刚刚心头涌上一股对你强烈的感情。
You sure it's not too much Bible juice? 你确定不是喝多"圣经琼浆"迷糊了吗?
And the wave is gone. 那股感情迅速退去了。
Brains! Keep it down! We're working here. 我要吃大脑!-小声点!我们这儿在工作呢。
Okay, we've got the cipher decoded! 我们破解了这个密码!
How's it going with the globe? 地球仪搞定了吗?
We used the coordinates to locate the cities. 我们用坐标确定了城市。
I'm putting the city names in the grid now. I'm sure that'll give us the code to the safe. 我正在把城市名填入表格。马上就能得出安全屋的口令了。
Solve puzzle too fast! Slow down! 谜题解答太迅猛!慢一点!
Yup! Got the code. 好了!拿到口令了。
Just saying...no refund for finish early! 我就说一声...你们玩得快也不退门票哦!
Sure you don't want to go home? When the bag's returned, they'll deliver it to us. 你真的不想回家吗?等包裹找到了,他们会送到我们家的。
No, I'm not leaving without her. 不,找不到她我就不走。
All right, we'll wait. 好吧,我们慢慢等。
I could've driven her. 我本应该开车载她的。
What? 什么?
The day she left for Florida. She asked me to drive her to the airport. I-I was too busy. And...I made her take a cab. I was too busy. 她去佛罗里达的那天,她让我载她去机场。我太忙了。于是...我让她坐出租车去。我说自己太忙了。
There's no way you could've known. Be right back. 你也意想不到嘛。我过去一下。
Excuse me? 打扰一下?
Yes? 什么事?
You better find my husband's mother 'cause one way or another, we're walking out of this airport with a dead woman! 你最好找到我老公的妈妈。因为我们离开机场时,无论如何都要带走一个死了的女人!