生活大爆炸第八季 第167期:一起吃印度餐(在线收听

 What? 怎么了?

Just thinking about the day I met you and Leonard. 想到了第一天见到你和莱纳德。
It was a Monday afternoon. You joined us for Indian food. 那是一个周一下午。你来和我们一起吃印度餐。
Can you believe it's been eight years? 真不敢相信已经八年了。
Yeah, and you're still eating our food. 你还在蹭我们的饭。
I...can't remember a time you guys weren't in my life. 我...都记不起没有你们的生活是怎样的了。
I remember it perfectly. But I have an eidetic memory. If you're interested, I also remember how much you owe us for the food. 我记得一清二楚。因为我过目不忘。如果你感兴趣,我还记得你总共欠我们多少饭钱。
That's it. That wasn't so bad. 时间到了。还不算太糟。
No, it wasn't. Uh, now let's tabulate the results of the experiment. 真不算。现在我们来整理一下试验结果。
I think it's safe to say that you're not in love with me and I'm not in love with you. 可以放心地说出,你没有爱上我,我也没有爱上你。
And psychology has once again proved itself the doofus of the sciences. 而心理学再次自证了自己是科学中的蠢货。
Well, maybe. But I'm still glad we did it. I do feel closer to you. 也许吧。但我还是很开心我们做了这个。感觉和你更亲近了。
And I, you. And yes, that's how you say that. Yeah, so, given our newfound intimacy, I'd say we have some hard choices to make. 彼此彼此。是的,这才是正确的表达方式。考虑到我们新建立的亲密度,有很多难以抉择的问题得做决定。
Like what? 比如什么?
Gary Con-- do we fly or drive? Do we wear costumes? And if so...who gets to be Gary? 加里大会。我们开车去还是搭飞机?扮还是不扮人物?如果扮...谁来扮加里?
Thank you for walking me home. 谢谢你送我回家。
I just want to make sure you get there safe. 只是想看你安全到家。
Well, this is me. It's been a very interesting evening. 好了,我到家了。今晚过得真有趣。
It really has. 确实如此。
Surprise! 惊喜!
And after I let you be Gary! 我都让你扮加里了还这样!