生活大爆炸第八季 第168期:小宇宙都爆发了(在线收听

 I was unstoppable. I mean, I was...I was on fire.  感觉来了挡都挡不住。我是说,我当时整个小宇宙都爆发了。

It was like my mind and my body were totally connected, like-like athletes must feel when they're in the zone. 犹如进入身心合一之境。运动员们在进入状态时估计就是这感觉。
Again, it was miniature golf. 刚才只是打个迷你高尔夫好吗。
Admit it, you're a little turned on. 承认被我迷到"性"致盎然了吧。
You can't be this proud. 你不能这么洋洋得意。
Why not? 为什么不行?
Because I beat you. 因为你被我虐爆了。
Hey. - Hey. 好啊。-好啊。
Oh, good. You're back. 太好了。你们回来了。
We have some exciting news. 我们有一件令人高兴的事宣布。
Okay. 好吧。
As you know, Amy and I have been together a long time, and a lot of things I never thought possible now seem possible. 你们也知道,我和艾米在一起挺久了。很多我曾经以为不可能会发生的事,现在看来也很有可能。
Okay... 好的...
After a careful evaluation of our relationship, we decided that the time was right to take a step forward. 在谨慎地审视我们这段感情后,我们觉得现在是时候迈出下一步了。
Okay. 好的。
Do you want to say it? 你想来宣布吗?
Let's say it together. 我们一起宣布吧。
We're getting a turtle! 我们要养只乌龟!
This is why I've been saying we should keep champagne on ice. 这就是为啥我说要保持有冰镇好的香槟。
Sarcasm? - Yes. 讽刺吗?-是的。
Okay. That was tricky, 'cause when it comes to alcohol, she generally means business. 好吧。这题挺有难度,因为通常跟酒相关的事她都是说真的,从不开玩笑。
Well, we're-we're very happy for you. - Yes. 我们很为你们感到高兴。-是的。
Thank you. Acquiring a joint pet is a big step for us. 谢谢。一起养一只宠物对我们而言是件大事。
No. It's true. It means that we care so much about each other, there's enough left over for an eight-ounce reptile. 这是真的。这代表我们在乎对方到还能有多余的关爱,来分给一只200克的爬行动物。
Why a turtle? 为什么选乌龟?
After much deliberation, we've determined that a turtle is the ideal pet. They don't shed fur, they don't make noise... 在一番深思熟虑过后,我们决定乌龟是最理想的宠物。他们不会掉毛,不会发出声音...
For Halloween, we can dress him as a cobblestone. 万圣节时还能他把打扮成一颗鹅卵石。
And if he ever goes berserk, I know I can outrun him. Coincidentally, that's also why I chose you as a roommate. 如果哪天他发狂,我肯定也跑得比他快。而无独有偶的是,这也是我选你当室友的理由。
Well, congratulations. Who would've thought you two would be the first in our group to start a family? 恭喜恭喜。谁会料到我们这帮人里你们是第一对有儿女的人呢?
That's what I said! 我也这么说!