生活大爆炸第八季 第170期:第一批移民(在线收听

What are you talking about? 你在说什么?

Oh, there's this company that's attempting to establish a colony on Mars, and I applied to be among the first to go. 有一个公司,他们想要在火星上设立一个殖民地,我申请了当第一批移民。

What should we name him? You know, I came in thinking "Seth," but...he kind of looks Italian. 我们该给他取什么名字呢?本来在路上我还打算给他取"塞斯",可是...他长得像个意大利人。

You applied for a mission to be a colonist on another planet, and couldn't be bothered to tell me? 你申请要成为另一个行星的移民者,而你都没想过告诉我一声吗?

Would you have approved? 事先说你会同意吗?

Of course not. 当然不会。

Well, based on your reaction, it looks like I made the right choice. Isn't that right, Giuseppe? 从你的反应来看,我做了正确的选择。对不对呀,朱塞佩(意大利名)?

Hey, hey...Listen, I-I have a little confession to make. 那个...听着,我要跟你坦白件事。

Aw, is this your first time? 哎哟,这是你的第一次吗?

No, I got you something for Valentine's Day, and I was too embarrassed to give it to you. 不是啦,我情人节给你买了份礼物,当时觉得太难为情没敢送给你。

Well, why? 为什么?

Well, 'cause I got it at the dirty store. 因为我是从"色色"用品店里买的。

You went to the dirty store without me? ! 你居然去色色用品店不带我?!

In sunglasses and a hat after I parked two blocks away. 我特意戴了墨镜和帽子,还把车停在两条街外。

Well, get it! Get it for me! - Yeah? - Yeah. 拿来!快给我拿来!-真的想要吗?-真的。

Okay, uh, well, I hope it's fun. I mean, it-it comes with paints, and-and it's kind of creative and artistic. 好吧,我希望会好玩。因为这玩意配有颜料,所以富有创造力和艺术性。

Okay, did you go to the dirty store or Michaels? 你是去了色色用品店还是手工用品店啊?

No, no. We cover ourselves in body paint, and then-then we get on this big canvas and do our thing. 不是。我们把人体彩绘颜料涂身上,然后在这张大画布上"办事"。

Whoa, that's kind of a big step for a guy who only recently agreed to take his socks off. 哇,对于一个最近刚愿意做爱时把袜子脱掉的男人来说,跨出了很大一步啊。

You're making fun of me. Forget it. -No! No, come on, I want to do it. - Really? - Yeah. 你在嘲笑我。算了吧。-不!来嘛,我想试试。-真的吗?-对啊。

Let's you, me, and your very, very pale feet make some art. Hey, when you got back to this store, I want to go with you. 让我和你,还有你那对白皙的脚丫子一起创造艺术吧。对了,你下次去那家店的时候,我想跟你一起去。

Okay, but it's a drive, the one I went to is in San Diego. 好啊,不过有点远,我去的那家在圣地亚哥。(剧中主角住在美国加州的帕萨迪纳)
