生活大爆炸第八季 第171期:报税(在线收听

 How are the taxes going? 报税弄得怎么样了?

Okay. But you got a lot of receipts for the Lego store in here. 还行。但你在乐高商店消费的发票真多。
Those are business expenses. You can write those off. 那些都是业务支出,你可以把那些冲销。
A $200 R2-D2 is a business expense? 价值两百美元的R2-D2机器人也是业务支出吗?
Oh, Bernie, you're gonna have to sound a lot more confident when we get audited. Hey, what's up? 妮妮,等我们被税务局审查时,你的语气得比现在更自信才行。怎么了?
Eh, Emily ran back to the hospital, so I'm just hanging out at her place. What are you, uh, what are you doing? 艾米丽回医院了,所以我在她家四处转转。你呢,你在干什么?
Just playing video games while Bernie does the taxes. 我在打电动,妮妮在报税。
What are you, a little kid? Is she gonna cut your dinner into little pieces, too? 你是三岁小孩吗?你老婆是不是还要帮你把晚餐切成小块呀?
She doesn't have to. I filled up on jelly beans. 不用啊,我吃果冻软糖就吃饱了。
So, uh, what game are you...Crap. 那你在玩什么电动...糟糕。
What's wrong? 怎么了?
I can't get Emily's nightstand to close. 我合不上艾米丽的床头柜了。
So? 所以呢?
She's gonna know I was looking in it. 她就会发现我偷翻她的抽屉啊。
Why were you looking in it? 那你为什么要看呢?
Well, there's a question I better have a good answer to before she gets back. 这个问题我最好在她回来之前想好答案。
Okay, calm down. There's probably something jammed behind it. Just, uh, pull it out and see what's there. 好吧,冷静。很可能抽屉里面有东西卡住了。你把它拉出来,看看是什么。
Hang on. Oh...no. Oh, no. Oh, God, no! 等一下。完了,完了。这下完蛋了!
You know what, you sound busy, I'm gonna let you go. 你听起来很忙,那我就不打扰你啦。
Dude, the whole front came off. Now she's gonna know I was snooping. 伙计,前面板子整个都掉下来了。这下她肯定知道我在偷翻她东西。
What's happening? 发生什么事了?
Raj was snooping through Emily's drawers and broke one. 拉杰偷翻艾米丽的抽屉,结果弄坏了一个。
I'm gonna miss her. 分手了我会想她的。