生活大爆炸第八季 第172期:熬夜(在线收听

 So what do you think? 你觉得怎么样?

I thought it'd be a little more...just more. 我还以为画面会更...更丰富一点。
I'm not even sure why we were out of breath. Uh, I mean, d-did we move at all? 我都不懂我们为啥喘得上气不接下气。我是说,我们有移动过一丁点吗?
Maybe along the z-axis, but x and y are looking pretty sad. 可能有顺着Z轴移动,但X轴和Y轴看了让人想落泪。
Okay, come on. We are not old boring people. We can do better than this. 拜托,我们不是又老又无趣的人。我们可以玩儿更多花样的。
Uh, th-that's true. How late did we stay up last night? 你说得对。昨晚我们熬夜到几点?
Almost 1:00 a. M. 将近凌晨一点吧。
Damn straight, almost 1:00 a. M.And we weren't even watching TV. We were watching Netflix, like the kids do. 太对了,将近凌晨一点呢。而且我们不是在看电视,我们看的是视频网站,就像小年轻那样。
Yeah, is it a comedy? Is it a drama? Nobody knows. Now, come on. We are gonna do this. 是啊。看的是喜剧还是普通电视剧?谁知道啊。来吧。我们要再来一遍。
Yeah. You get the paint, I'll rest for 30-40 minutes, and then we do this! 好的,你去拿颜料,我休息个30到40分钟,然后我们大"干"一场!
I can't believe you almost had me bring a wild animal into my home. 真不敢相信你差点就让我把一只野动物带回家。
No one told you to poke the turtle's face. 没人让你去戳乌龟的脸。
I was playing "Got Your Nose." That's how you get children to like you. 我跟它玩"偷走你的鼻子"游戏。通常想让小孩喜欢你就这么玩。
I'm surprised you even care if he likes you, since you're planning on leaving the planet the first chance you get. 我很惊讶你居然会在乎他会不会喜欢你,因为只要机会来了,你第一时间就会离开这星球。
Ugh, this again. Amy, I've already had one new hole torn in my body today. I don't need another one. 又来了。艾米,我的身体今天已经被咬了一个洞了,心上不需要再多一个。
Sheldon, I know the odds of you even going to Mars are incredibly small, 谢尔顿,我知道你去火星的几率非常渺茫。
but it still hurts that you would volunteer for something that would take you away from me forever. 但是一想到你自愿申请会永远离开我的项目,我还是觉得很难过。
So you're saying you wouldn't leave me for the chance to be one of the first humans to colonize another planet? 所以你是说如果你有机会成为移民另一个星球的第一批人类,你也不会离开我吗?
I would at least mention it before filling out the application. 我至少会在提交申请前跟你提一下这个事。