生活大爆炸第八季 第173期:差点挂了(在线收听

 Huh, that's exactly what Leonard, Wolowitz, Koothrappali, Bernadette and Penny said. 莱纳德 、沃罗威茨、 库萨帕里、博纳黛特和佩妮也是这么说的。

And who says you could even survive an interplanetary mission, anyway? You could barely survive a tiny turtle bite. 再说了,你怎么可能胜任这种太空任务呀?你被乌龟咬一下都差点挂了。
First of all, this...has only made me stronger. But beyond that, all I did was fill out an application. 首先,这个伤口只会让我变得更坚强。再说了,我只不过提交了申请而已。
You know what? Go to Mars, Sheldon. 我受够了,滚去火星吧,谢尔顿。
Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? 我能做点什么让你不生气吗?
No. Forget it. 不能。别白费力气了。
What if I play the Star Trek theme on my nose? 我用鼻子哼哼《星际迷航》主题曲呢?
Please don't. 拜托别这么做。
Yep, you're mad. 哇,你真的生气了。
Okay, let me see the damage. 让我看看损坏的程度。
Hang on. 等一下。
Well, I think you broke the dowels. You're not gonna have time to glue it back on, you'll have to nail it. 你可能把暗榫弄坏了。你没有时间把它粘回去了,只能用钉子钉上。
With what? 用什么钉啊?
Does she have any pillows or wine glasses? 她那里有枕头或者酒杯吗?
She does. 有耶。
Great. Neither of those. Try a hammer! 太好了。这两样都没用。去找把锤子!
Did that feel good? You feel like a big man now? 耍我你爽了吗?你觉得自己很厉害了吗?
I was going to make you red zinger, but since Mars is the red planet, I went with peppermint. 我本想帮你泡杯红花茶,但鉴于火星也是红色的星球,我还是给你泡薄荷茶吧。
Why do you even want to do this? 你到底为什么想参加这个项目呢?
Actually...as part of the application, I was required to make a short video answering that very question. You want to see it? 其实呢...申请中的一部分,就是要我录一段短片回答这个问题。你想看看吗?
Can't you just tell me? 你就不能直接告诉我吗?
But I made a video. 但是人家录了短片的呀。
I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and I'd like to tell you why I should be chosen to...go to Mars! 在下谢尔顿·库珀博士,我要告诉你们为什么应该选我...上火星!