生活大爆炸第八季 第174期:聪明绝顶(在线收听

 I'm exceedingly smart. I graduated college at 14. While my brother was getting an STD I was getting a PhD. Penicillin can't take this away. 我聪明绝顶。14岁就从大学毕业了。我的兄弟得性病时,我就已经得博士学位了。青霉素可祛不掉博士学位哦。

Being in close quarters, cleanliness is important and...my hygiene is impeccable. 在狭小的空间里,保持清洁至关重要,而我的卫生习惯无懈可击。
In fact, animals don't trust me because I smell like nothing. Yeah...Literally nothing. 动物都无法信任我,因为我身上什么味都没有。真的...啥味都没有。
During the seven-month space flight, I can keep up morale with my wacky sense of humor. 在长达7个月的太空飞行中,我可以用我独特的幽默感保持士气。
Hey, Leonard...is there any peanut brittle left in that can? 莱纳德,那个罐子里还有花生糖吗?
You mean this weirdly suspicious one? 你是指这个超级可疑的罐子吗?
Yes. Open it and check. 是的,打开看看嘛。
I don't get it. There's actually peanut brittle in...Please go to Mars. 我不明白了。这里面真的有花生糖...拜托你去火星好吗。
But on a more serious note: The most important reason I want to go to Mars is that I believe, 言归正传。我想去火星的最大原因是,我坚信,
as a scientist, it's my duty to push the boundaries of human knowledge forward. 身为一位科学家,突破人类认知的极限是我的天职。
Now, I know that life on Mars will be difficult. But life here on Earth is no picnic. 我知道火星上的生活将无比艰难,但地球上的日子也不像野餐那么好玩。
Also, picnics are no picnic. Where should we go for lunch? Oh, I know, the ground. 当然,野餐本身也不好玩。我们该去哪里吃午餐?我知道,去地上吃吧。
In conclusion, thank you for considering me for this journey of a lifetime. To Mars! 总而言之,多谢你们观看我为这段千载难逢的旅行录制的申请。上火星!
Afterwards, Leonard blew his nose, and pie came out. 后来,莱纳德从他的鼻子里擤出了派呢。