生活大爆炸第八季 第175期:戴防护眼镜(在线收听

 Right there, right there. Oh, God, that's it! 就是那里,就是那里。天啊,终于啊!

How did you get paint in your eye? - Because you wouldn't let me wear safety goggles! 你是怎么把颜料弄到眼睛里?-都是因为你不让我戴防护眼镜!
This looks terrible. She-she's gonna know. 看上去一团糟啊。她肯定会发现。
It's fine. You just need two more nails. 没关系。你就差两个钉而已了。
Okay, where should I put them? 好的,应该钉在哪里?
In Emily's eyes. 钉在艾米丽的眼睛里。
You're not helping. 你真是帮倒忙。
Well, maybe this is what you get for snooping. 所以这就是你偷翻人东西的报应。
You know, it-it's bad enough that I have to deal with this...-Raj? I'm back. 我鼓捣这玩意儿就已经够烦了...-拉杰?我回来了。
Oh, no. Hey. 完了。嗨。
Hi. 嗨。
How was the hospital? 医院情况还好吗?
Fine. What were you doing in there? 很好。你在里面干什么呢?
Uh...w-well...Okay, look, I-I don't want to lie to you. 那个...我...我不想对你撒谎。
I-I got curious, I was looking around...and I broke the drawer on your night stand. 我很好奇,于是我到处看了看...然后我就弄坏了你的床头柜抽屉。
You were looking in my night stand? 你翻看了我的床头柜抽屉吗?
Yeah. 是的。
So, the first time I leave you alone, you snoop on me? 所以我第一次让你单独留在家里,你就开始到处偷翻?
You've never snooped around my apartment? - No! 你从来没偷翻过我的公寓吗?-没有!
Come on, think back. It would really help if you had! 快,好好想想。你要是有过前科会很有帮助哟!
I can't believe you don't trust me! -She sounds really mad. 真没想到你这么不相信我!-她听起来很火大啊。
We should hang up. 我们应该挂掉。
Yeah, we should. 对,是应该。
But we're not going to, are we? 但我们不会这么做,对不对?
Not a chance. 门都没有。
What happened to "snooping is wrong"? 不是说"偷翻是不对的"吗?
Howard, you're going to jail for tax fraud. Who cares? 霍华德,反正你就要因为税收欺诈去坐牢了,还怕啥偷翻?
Well, we did it. 我们"做"到了。
We sure did. 确实"做"到了。
I mean, I was on fire! I-I was in the zone, like an athlete. 我整个小宇宙都爆发了!我超在状态,像运动员一样。
Sweetie, I beat you at this, too. 亲爱的,这次你也是被我虐爆了。
So, where do we want to hang it? 那我们把它挂哪儿?
What? Are you kidding? We're not hanging it! 什么?你开什么玩笑?才不要挂起来!
But it's an expression of our love. 但这是我们爱情的展示。
And our butts! Not hanging it! 也是我们的屁股!不挂!