生活大爆炸第八季 第177期:火星生育的人(在线收听

 You know, we could also be the first people to procreate on Mars. 你知道吗,我们也可以成为第一批在火星生育的人。

You just can't keep it in your space pants, can you? 你的太空裤就是系不严,是不是?
Think about it. If we had a family there, our kids would be Martians. 你想想。如果我们在那里成家,我们的孩子就是火星人了。
They would, wouldn't they? We could give them cool Martian names. And we could teach them about Martian history. 他们还真会是,对不对?我们可以给他们取酷酷的火星人名字,教他们火星人的历史。
Like, who planted those flags? And, uh, where did that copy of Mars Attacks! Come from? 比如这些个旗子都是谁插的。还有《火星入侵》影带是谁带来的。
I guess we'll have to make a new video together, as a couple. 也许我们需要以情侣身份录个新视频了。
Good idea. And since you've had such a rough day, I'm gonna let you throw the pie in Leonard's face. 好主意。既然今天你这么不开心,我愿意让你用馅饼糊莱纳德一脸。
Thank you for forgiving me. 谢谢你原谅我。
It's okay. At some point, we were bound to have our first fight. 不客气。恋爱后的第一次争吵早晚都会发生呀。
Well, it almost happened when you called my apple pie crust "Doughy." The truth is you were right. And I was just angry at myself. 你说我的脆皮苹果派不脆又没味时就差点发生了。事实是你当时说得对,我只是气自己罢了。
Can I ask you one thing? 我能问你件事吗?
Of course. What? 当然。什么事?
Did you look in my closet? 你看没看过我的衣柜?
No. Just the drawer. 没有,只有抽屉。
You promise you didn't look in the closet? 你发誓你没看过吗?
I promise. Why, what's in there? 我发誓。为什么,里面有什么?
Don't worry about it. Good night. 你别管了。晚安。