生活大爆炸第八季 第180期:购物杂志(在线收听

 You know how the PennySaver only has my name...-Sheldon! 那你知道购物杂志上只有我的名...-谢尔顿!

They didn't mention you in the article. Only me. 文章里没提到你的名字,只提了我。
Really? 真的吗?
I know. It's not fair. Let the anger go, buddy. You just...you relax all your muscles.  我明白。这样对你很不公平。让怒火随风而去吧,兄弟。你就...你就放松你全身肌肉。
Except for your pubococcygeus and anal sphincter. Let's keep those tight. 除了你的耻尾肌与肛门括约肌。这两条肌你好好绷紧。
Uh, that-that's not necessary. 不需要这样。
It is, they're what hold back the urine and the feces. Look, maybe-maybe you shouldn't read it. It'll only make you feel worse. 当然需要,它们帮你止住尿液与粪便呢。我想你还是不要看比较好,看了只会更加不开心。
Cooper and his team? 库珀博士与其团队?
You should know I had nothing to do with that. 我完全不知道他们会这么写。
At least they're talking about the theory. I mean, that's what's important. 至少这文章是关于那理论本身,那才是最重要的。
You know, you're right. Yeah. You know, it's like when Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created Spider-Man. 没错,你说得对。就像当时斯坦·李和史蒂夫·迪特科创作了蜘蛛侠。
Stan Lee may get all the credit, but Steve Ditko knows he was just as important. 或许荣誉全归斯坦·李,但史蒂夫·迪特科深知他也同样重要。
Even though Stan Lee gets to be in all the Marvel movies. And-and he's far richer. And he's a household name, you know? 即使斯坦·李客串了所有漫威的超级英雄电影,比史蒂夫有钱得多,而且他的名字家喻户晓。
Whereas, you know, you say Ditko, and that sounds like a company that makes Dits. 相反,"迪特科"这个名字更像是一个做"迪特"的公司。
That's not helping. 这话一点帮助都没有。
Well, I'd give more examples, but, well, everyone in your position's so forgettable. 我本来想多举两个例子,但跟你一样处境的人名字实在想不起来。
Stuart, we're here. 斯图尔特,我们到了。
It's nice of you to let him keep staying at your mom's house. 你真好,还让他继续住在你妈妈的房子里。
Yeah, well, I tried putting him out on the curb, but nobody took him. 是啊,我试过把他扔在前院马路边送人,但没人带走他。