生活大爆炸第八季 第182期:科学美国人(在线收听

 I mean, who even reads Scientific American? 谁会看《科学美国人》这种杂志啊?

It's kind of a big deal. 这本杂志名气挺大的。
If it's such a big deal, how come the biggest celebrity they could get for the cover is a molecule? 如果它这么有名气,那怎么请来拍封面的最大牌却是一个小分子呢?
Can we please just stop talking about it? 我们能不能不说这个话题了?
I'm sorry. What can I do? - Nothing, I'm fine. 抱歉。那我能做点什么吗?-不必了,我没事。
No, no. I'm gonna cheer you up. Here we go. 不不,我要让你开心起来。有了。
What are we doing? 我们要干嘛?
I am taking you shopping. My baby is sad, and I'm gonna make him happy again. 我要带你去购物。我的宝贝不开心,我要让他开心起来。
Look, I know shopping cheers you up, but it's just not really my thing. 我知道购物能让你开心,但我对这个真的不感兴趣。
Well, what about this helicopter you control with an iPad? 那这台直升飞机怎么样?你可以通过iPad控制哦。
Does it have a camera in it? 里面有摄像头吗?
It does have a camera in it. 里面有摄像头哦。
Baby's listening. 宝贝表示感兴趣。
Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? -What? 莱纳德?莱纳德?莱纳德?-干嘛?
I spoke to the reporter at the magazine. 我跟杂志社的记者谈过了。
What happened? Did you tell him it was my idea? 然后呢?你告诉他那是我的点子了吗?
I did. 我说了。
Thank you. What did he say? 谢谢。那他怎么说?
He said they made the editorial decision to only cite the lead scientist. 他说编辑部最终决定只登出主导科学家。
Why did he think you're the lead scientist? It was my idea! 他为什么会认为你才是主导科学家?那可是我的点子啊!
You know, for an extra four bucks, I can have this thing here tomorrow. 对了,多花四块钱,明天直升机就送到家了哦。
Well, I know it was your idea, but the reporter said he's been following my work for a while, 我知道那是你的点子。但那个记者说他关注我的研究有一段时间了,
and the only reason they even mentioned it in the magazine is 'cause my name is on it. 他们杂志刊登那篇文章的唯一理由,就是因为我的名字在上面。
You know what? I did it. What's four bucks? 你知道吗,我买了。四块钱算什么呢?
If you're trying to make me feel better, it's not working. 如果你的目的是想让我好过点,你完全没成功。
Well...then what if I told you that I added your name to the cable bill? 好吧... 那如果我告诉你,我在有线电视账单上加了你的名字呢?
No. 没用。
That's just as well. They had me on hold for 20 minutes and I hung up. I...Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? 反正也没加上。他们在电话里让我等了20分钟我就挂了。我...莱纳德?莱纳德?莱纳德?
Also, Wolowitz invited us all to dinner, so...I'm ready whenever you are. 沃罗威茨邀请我们一起去吃饭,所以...你准备好了我们就出发。