生活大爆炸第八季 第186期:新沙龙话题(在线收听

 Okay, new salon topic. Salons-- dumb thing from a long time ago or interesting thing made dumb by talking about superheroes? Discuss. 新沙龙话题:沙龙是从很久以前就这么蠢,还是本来挺好的,讨论起超级英雄才变蠢的?讨论开始。

I don't believe it matters what the topic is.  我觉得沙龙的话题并不重要。
What's crucial for a salon is that we conduct the discussion in an elevated and insightful way. It's all about the execution. 沙龙重要的是,我们可以将讨论变得有高度且有见解。重点在于如何执行。
Of course you'd focus on that rather than the inspiration. Uh, new salon topic. What's more important, an idea or its execution? 你当然注重执行,而不是注重灵感。新沙龙话题:点子和执行力哪个更为重要?
Oh, that's fun. 这个好。
Yeah, good for you, Leonard. That's a lovely little notion. Kind of like, "I wish I could talk to my uncle in Chicago." 说得不错,莱纳德。这个观点很有趣。就好比"我非常想跟我在芝加哥的舅舅通话。"
Yeah, now stand back while I invent the telephone. 行,先闪边,我发明电话去。
"Hello? Oh, hold on." Leonard, it's your uncle. He says you just got burned. "您好,请稍等。"莱纳德,是你舅。他说你炸了。
Sheldon. -You guys. 谢尔顿。-你们俩。
No, it's okay. We're all adults trying to have an intelligent discussion. At least I am. Howard, what do you think? 没事。我们都是成人,正在进行知识上的探讨。至少我是这样。霍华德,你觉得呢?
Well, I guess, as an engineer, lean towards execution. I spend my days trying to take ideas and make them real. 我作为一名工程师,我的答案倾向于执行。我的工作就是将点子变成为真实的东西。
Well said, old chap. I thought eloquence had died; here it stands before us. 说的好,老兄。谁说世人再无雄辩,我们面前不就是吗。
Starting today, it'll go: Gettysburg Address, "I have a dream" and what you just said. 从今天开始,刚才你的那段话与葛底斯堡演说,还有《我有一个梦想》齐名。
Oh, now he's a genius? All you ever do is make fun of him and engineering. 现在他就是天才啦?你以前不是一直嘲笑他是工程师吗。
Leonard, please. His mother just died. 莱纳德,注意点。人家才刚刚丧母。
You're being ridiculous. -Yeah, so are you. 你真是要笑死人。-你也是。
Guys, if I wanted to hear people be bitchy, I'd go to my real salon. 伙计们,如果要听揭短吵架,我就去我的美发沙龙了。
Leonard, lots of people could've had that idea, but very few people could've worked out the math the way I did. 莱纳德,很多人都可以有过那点子,但只有少数人能像我一样去实现它。
Lots of people also didn't have that idea, like everyone in the entire world except for me. 还有很多人提不出这样的点子呢,比如除了我以外的全世界。
Oh, well, apparently Leonard thinks he's better than everyone in the whole world, including those fighting for our freedom. 看来莱纳德觉得自己比全世界所有人都强,包括为我们的自由而战的人们。
Yeah, well, I don't know about you, but I support our boys overseas. 我不知道你怎么想的,但我支持我国派驻海外的铁血男儿们。
And girls. -Hey, you already ruined Thor; give it a rest. 还有巾帼英雄们。-你已经把雷神毁了,歇会吧你。
So I'm just supposed to be okay with you hogging all the credit? ! 所以我就活该忍受你把功劳霸占了?!
I didn't hog anything. Unlike you and that weird lasagna with raisins in it. 我什么都没霸占。不像你,霸占着那坨有葡萄干的奇怪千层面。
You want some of this? I'll give you some. 你想要吗?我赏你一顿饱啊。
Sheldon, Leonard, living room, right now! 谢尔顿,莱纳德,马上给我去客厅!