生活大爆炸第八季 第188期:伯克利分校教课(在线收听

 Leonard, I've been working on an opening joke for our lecture at Berkeley. 莱纳德,我正在准备我们在伯克利分校教课的开场笑话。

Oh, I like to laugh. But say it anyway. 我是挺喜欢笑,不过你想说就说吧。
Okay, um...What do you say to a graduate of the UC Berkeley physics department? 好吧,你该跟伯克利分校的物理系毕业生说什么呢?
I'll have fries with that. Because his education hasn't prepared him for a career in the sciences. 我点的餐要配薯条。因为他们接受的教育不足以让他们在科学领域找到工作。
You know, when they chase you out of there, you only have to run faster than Sheldon. 等学生们冲过来打你们时,你只要跑得比谢尔顿快就没事了。
Are you all set for your trip? 出发都做好准备了吗?
Yeah, I think so. I just restocked the old PRK. 应该吧。我重新帮共所包补了货。
"P.R.K"? - Public restroom kit. Everything a boy needs for making pee pee in new and strange places. 什么"共所包"?-公共厕所用品包。内含一名小男孩要在陌生新环境嘘嘘所需要的一切用品。
I don't see what's crazy about bringing a backpack with your own toilet paper and Purell. - Keep going. 带着个背包放自己的厕纸和干洗手液有什么值得奇怪的啊。-接着说。
And rubber gloves, uh, air freshener. Um, noise-cancelling headphones. Oh, danger whistle. pepper spray. Ooh, a multi-language "Occupied" sign. 还有橡胶手套 、空气清新剂、抗噪耳机、防狼警笛、防狼喷雾、多语言版"已占用"的牌子。
Uh, let's see. We have seat protectors, uh, booties for my shoes, a clothespin for my nose. 我看看。还有马桶坐垫纸、 鞋套、夹鼻子的晒衣夹。
Oh, and a mirror on a stick, so I can make sure the person in the stall next to me isn't some kind of weirdo. 还有连棍子的镜子,这样我可以确保隔壁厕间的人不是什么变态之类的。
You still worried some Berkeley girl is gonna steal him away? 你还担心伯克利分校会有姑娘把他抢走吗?
Yes, who do you think gave him the danger whistle? 当然,不然你觉得他的防狼警笛是谁给的?