生活大爆炸第八季 第189期:我是没用间谍(在线收听

 Would you like to play a physics car game I invented called "I Can't Spy"? 你要玩我发明的物理学车上游戏吗?名字叫"我是没用间谍"。

It's all the nail-biting tension of "I Spy" but the added fun of subatomic particles and waves outside the visible spectrum. 保留了"我是小间谍"紧张刺激的部分,但是加入了有趣的亚原子粒子以及可见光谱外的光波。
If it's half as much fun as "One Times Ten to the Fourth Bottles of Beer on the Wall," I'm in. 如果这游戏有"1乘10的4次方瓶啤酒在墙上"一半好玩我就玩。(99瓶啤酒在墙上也是常见车上游戏。反复唱着歌词,每次往下减一,直到墙上没了)。
I'll begin. Uh, I can't spy with my little eye...something passing right through us. 我先开始。小间谍我的眼睛不能看到...某个直接穿过我们的东西。
That soy Frappuccino I had. 我刚才喝的豆奶星冰乐。
Will you please play the game? I can't spy with my little eye something passing right through us. -I don't know, um... 还能不能好好玩游戏了?小间谍我的眼睛不能看到...某个直接穿过我们的东西。-我不知道啊...
If 65 billion solar neutrinos pass through a square centimeter every second, given the surface area of this car is about 60,000 square centimeters, 如果每秒有650亿太阳中微子通过每平方厘米的区域按照我们这车的表面积来算,也就大概6万平方厘米吧。
that means 3.9 times ten to the 15th solar neutrinos? 所以通过的太阳中微子大概有3900兆那么多吗?
I don't want to play anymore. 我不想玩了。
We haven't been on a road trip in a while. This is fun. 我们好久没有一起自驾游了。还挺好玩的。
We get it, you won the game. Stop bragging. 知道。你赢了行了吧。不用这么臭显摆吧。
No, listen, we wrote a paper together. Now we get to go to a university and talk about it? That's pretty cool. 不是啦,我们一起写了篇论文,现在还要一起去大学做论文的演讲?这蛮酷的不是吗。
I suppose it is. In fact, if you'd like to celebrate with a little music, I'd be okay with that. 我想是吧。其实,如果你想要放点音乐来庆祝一下,我不会介意哦。
What...? This road trip just got crazy. 虾米?这趟自驾游要疯狂啦。
Play that funky music, white boy. 放那放克乐吧,白人男孩。(野樱桃乐团的歌曲《Play that funky music》,此句台词也是这首歌的歌词)
I'm surprised you know that reference. 我真没想到你知道这个典故。
What reference? 什么典故?