生活大爆炸第八季 第191期:罗素悖论(在线收听

 Let me ask you this. Do you think this song is the music the white boy ultimately play? 我问你个问题。你觉得这首歌是不是那个白人男孩去放的那首放克乐?

It could be. 有可能啊。
So it's like the musical equivalent of Russell's Paradox, the question of whether the set of all sets that don't contain themselves as members contains itself? 所以这就是像是音乐界的罗素悖论。所有不包含自身的集合本身是否属于该集合?
Exactly. 没错。
Well...then I hate it. Music should just be fun. 这样的话...我讨厌这首歌。音乐就应该是纯娱乐。
Making great time. Gonna be there pretty early. 基本没浪费时间,我们会很早到那里。
Will our hotel room be ready? 我们的酒店房间会准备好了吗?
I doubt it. 难说。
Aren't you worried that sitting in the lobby for a long period of time might attract the attention of the hotel detective? 你不担心如果我们在大堂坐得时间太久会引起酒店侦探的注意吗?
If we do, we'll just tell him to "hit the bricks, see?" 如果真引起注意,我们就叫他"哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去,滚。"
Seems a little confrontational, but all right. You know, we won't be very far from Skywalker Ranch. 感觉有点强硬了,不过行吧。我们现在这里离天行者牧场不远。(乔治·卢卡斯花费一亿美元买下的16平方公里地,用作电影拍摄与工作场所)。
Oh, that's true. It's not like we can get in there. 这倒是。我们又不能进去。
Why not? 为什么不能?
I-I don't think George Lucas put his headquarters in the middle of nowhere because he wanted people dropping in. 乔治·卢卡斯把他的总部设在荒郊野外,就是为了不想有人乱入。
Yoda's swamp was in the middle of nowhere. Tatooine was in the middle of nowhere. Hoth was in the middle of nowhere. 星战里尤达大师的沼泽也是在荒郊野外啊。星战里天行者的故乡也是荒郊野外啊。霍思星也是偏僻到不行啊。
That's code, Leonard. He wants us to drop in. 这是暗号,莱纳德。他希望我们乱入。
We do have time. I mean, we could drive by and just look at it. 我们是还有多余时间。我们可以开车经过看一下。
Yes! Oh...I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. 太好了!我好兴奋。藏都藏不住。
I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it. 我就快要失控,而我喜欢这感觉。(以上几句全是来自指针姐妹合唱团歌曲《I'm so excited》的歌词)
What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?