生活大爆炸第八季 第192期:神秘博士(在线收听

 So when do you guys think you're gonna move in? 你们两个打算什么时候搬进来呢?

We're still figuring how much remodeling we want to do. 我们还在考虑要装修哪里。
It's tricky finding the right balance between "Tasteful modern" and "Jewish mother tchotchke crapfest." 要在"有品位现代化"与"犹太老妈俗气破烂"之间找平衡挺有难度。
Have you made a decision about the TARDIS? I think I can sell it if we call it, "Big British Porta-Potty." 你们决定好怎么处置塔迪斯了吗?换个名字我应该能卖掉,叫"大号英式移动公厕"。
We're not selling it, it's mine. 我们不卖,这是我的东西。
You can't just decide. How about I arm-wrestle you? 你不能随便做决定。不然我们比腕力定胜负吧?
That's not fair. It's like me challenging you to a sexy pants contest. 这不公平啊,这就跟我用性感裤子比赛虐你一样。
You could play Ping-Pong for it. 你们可以打乒乓定输赢啊。
I would do that. 这我可以接受。
How is that fair? You grew up with a table. 这怎么就公平了?你从小家里就有球桌。
Yes, but I mostly used it as a battlefield in an ongoing war between the Transformers and the ThunderCats for control of a bra I had found in the woods. 但我几乎都是用来当做变形金刚与霹雳猫之间的战场,让他们争夺我在树林捡来的胸罩的控制权。
Bernadette, for every episode of Doctor Who Leonard has made me sit through, I will play on your behalf and send that TARDIS back to Gallifrey, where I hate that I know it belongs. 伯纳黛特,看在莱纳德逼我看过的所有《神秘博士》的仇,我愿意为你出战把塔迪斯送回加利弗雷去。我真恨我还知道了它母星叫什么。
Yes, Penny plays for me. 行,佩妮替我出赛。
That's not fair. She has upper body muscles. 这不公平啊,她有上半身肌肉。
Dude, three-time Sanskriti School for Well-Born Boys badminton champion. 兄弟,我可是三届印度含金汤匙小孩学校的羽毛球冠军。
That's right. Okay, Raj can play for me. 对啊。行,拉杰替我出赛。
Ooh, you just chose champions. It's like we're reenacting the ancient German practice of trial by combat. 你们都选厉害的人代打,感觉像是在重演旧时德国的决斗裁判法。
Yeah, it's also like when the Mountain fought the Red Viper in Game of Thrones. 是啊,就像是《权利的游戏》里魔山大战红毒蛇那样。
Leonard makes you watch that, too? 也是莱纳德逼你看的吧?
No, no, I like that show. It's got dragons and people doing it. 没,我挺喜欢这剧。里面有龙,还有人做爱。
So it's settled. The fate of Doctor Who's TARDIS will be decided by a Game of Thrones inspired death-match on the battlefield of ThunderCats versus Transformers. 就这么定了。《神秘博士》的塔迪斯的去留,将由在霹雳猫大战变形金刚的旧战场上的因一场受《权利的游戏》启发的死斗来决定。
If you still have that bra, I'll give you a nickel for it. 如果当年那个胸罩还在,我出5分钱跟你买。