生活大爆炸第八季 第193期:在路中间(在线收听

 There it is. It's just a gate. On a road. 到了。只有个闸门。在路中间。

Wasn't even that hard to find. 而且一点也不难找。.
This is so amazing! -I know! 这也太赞了!-对啊!
You want to get a picture? 想去拍个照吗?
I want more than a picture. I want to go in. 我不只想要照片,我想进去。
Well, so do I, but they'll never let us. 我也想进去,不过他们肯定不让进。
Is that the attitude that helped you get Penny? 你追到佩妮靠的是这态度吗?
No, but I don't have three years to make that gate feel sorry for me. 不是啊,可是我也没有三年时间可以让那个闸门同情我啊。
Uh, there's a speaker box. Drive up, push the button, and let's see what happens. 那边有个对讲机。开过去,按按钮,看看会发生什么事。
Okay, yeah. What do we have to lose? 好吧。按一下你会损失什么吗?
I'm a little nervous. 我有点紧张。
Well, get over it. Confidence is key in these situations. 克服它。这种情况最需要的就是自信。
Right. 对。
You pushed it! Are you out of your mind? ! 你还真按了!你疯了吗?!
May I help you? 有事能帮忙吗?
Uh, uh...we don't have an appointment, and-and we don't belong here, but we-we're, like, crazy-big fans. 那个...我们没有预约,也不应该来这里,但我们是超级疯狂粉。
I mean..."Crazy for Star Wars" crazy, not crazy like we have a backpack full of duct tape, although we do have a backpack that you really don't want to look in. 我是指"对星战很疯狂"的狂热粉,不是那种有一背包绑架胶带的疯子。不过我们的确是有个背包,里面装满了你不会想看的东西。
You're blowing it. We want to meet George Lucas and become his friends and play with him! 你要搞砸了。我们想见乔治·卢卡斯,跟他当朋友,跟他一起玩!
Hello? This speaker's not working, just pull up. 有人吗?这对讲机失灵了,你们就开进来吧。
And that's how it's done. 这么干就对了。