生活大爆炸第八季 第195期:乡村气息(在线收听

 I can see the ranch, Leonard! Oh, it's rustic, it's lovely. 我看到牧场了,莱纳德!充满了乡村气息,真美啊。

I'd take a picture, but people are chasing me. I'm gonna make it...! I'm gonna make it! They have Tasers, but they wouldn't dare use... 我想拍个照片,可是好多人在追我。我就要成功了!我就要成功了!他们有脉冲电击枪,可他们肯定不敢...
Come on, Raj. You are the King Kong of Ping-Pong. You are the menace of table tennis. Put her away, 'cause I don't have a third one. Yes! 拉杰,加油。你是乒乓届的金刚。你是桌球届的霸王。赶紧灭了她,我想不出第三句了。
Rajesh eight, Penny four. 太好了!拉杰8分,佩妮4分。
Sorry, he's really good. 抱歉,他实在是太强了。
Hey, Raj. if Howard can't keep the TARDIS, how great would it look at your place? 拉杰。如果霍华德不能留着塔迪斯,把它放在你家会不会很酷啊?
What? 什么?
Yeah, what? 对啊,什么?
I don't know much about Doctor Who, but if, um, you were to put this right outside your front door and open up the back, 我对《神秘博士》了解不多,但是如果你把它放在大门外面再把后门跟你家大门打开,
it would be like your entire apartment was the inside of the TARDIS, which is pretty cool 'cause on the show, the inside of the TARDIS is bigger than the outside. 你的整个公寓就仿佛变成了塔迪斯的内部。很酷对不对?因为在电视剧里,时间机器的内部的确比外观大得多。
But then again, I don't know much about Doctor Who. 但话说回来,我对《神秘博士》了解并不多。
Don't listen to her. You and I go way back, we're like brothers. 别听她的。我们俩交情似海深,兄弟如手足啊。
We are. We are. Oh, no! What a terrible serve! Sorry, brother. 没错,没错。哎呀,人家发球太烂了!抱歉了,手足。
Eight-five. 8比5。
This is ridiculous. I want a new champion. Amy, were you serious about being able to serve? 这太无耻了,我要换选手。艾米,你说你会发球是真的吗?
Uh, it-it's been a long time. I don't know. I'm probably pretty rusty. 那已经是很久以前的事了。我也没把握,我的技术可能都荒废了。