生活大爆炸第八季 第196期:乡村气息(在线收听

 Wow. -She's my champion! 哇哦。-她才是我的新选手!

Well, if you can switch champions, so can I.I want Raj. - Hey. 如果你可以换,我也可以。我选拉杰。-喂。
Oh, come on, like you even care. 拜托,好像你介意似的。
I care! Oh, wait, no, I don't. Good luck, Raj. 我是介意啊!等等,我才不介意呢。加油吧,拉杰。
You know, I thought our friendship meant more to you. 我以为我们的友情对你来说更重要呢。
So did I. 我也这么以为。
Do you think they're gonna call the police? - I don't know. 你觉得他们会通报警察吗?-我不知道。
Maybe they'll call Imperial Officers to take us to a holding cell on the Death Star. 也许他们会通报帝国警察,然后把我们关进死星里的小牢房吧。
Oh, I think that's below the pay grade of an Imperial Officer. Stormtroopers are really the ones who...-Oh, shut up. 帝国警察才不会屈尊来处理这种事呢。暴风部队真正的职能是...-闭嘴吧你。
He's right. Uh, Stormtroopers actually combine both the function of infantry and military police. 他说得对。暴风部队其实兼负了步兵和宪兵两种职能。
Uh-huh, I'm normally very nice, but you shut up, too. 我这人一般挺和善的,但你也给我闭嘴吧。
So...what are you in for? 话说...你是为什么进来的?
Honestly, I just wanted to meet Mr. Lucas and say thank you. You know, growing up, the movies had such an impact on my life. 我只是想见见卢卡斯先生,向他致谢。这电影在我成长之路上意义重大。
I never really fit in anywhere. Till I discovered the worlds he created and finally found a place where I belong. 我这人在哪里都不合群,直到我发现了他创造的世界,才终于找到了属于我的地方。
But why are you here? 但你怎么会在这里呢?
Oh, I, uh, I hopped a fence, and they caught me in the sculpture gallery making out with a Chewbacca statue. 我...我翻过了栏杆,结果他们抓到我在雕像馆和一个楚巴卡雕塑亲热。