生活大爆炸第八季 第197期:给你们一个警告(在线收听

 All right, I talked to my supervisor, and we're gonna let you go with a warning.  我跟我的上司汇报了,我们这次只给你们一个警告。

But if you ever come back, we will call the police and press charges. 不过如果你们还敢来,我们会报警并起诉你。
We understand. Thank you so much. 我们明白。非常感谢。
Uh, what about me? 那我呢?
No, you're not going anywhere, kissy face. Let's go. I have to take your picture to post at the guard gate. 你哪里也不能去,接吻狂魔。来吧。我要给你们拍照贴在大门外。
Uh, one question about that picture. Can it be with George Lucas? Ooh, grumpy you are. 关于照片我有个问题:我能跟乔治·卢卡斯一起拍吗?好凶巴巴哦。
Okay, this is the match that decides it all. First to 11 wins. Serve switches every five points. 好了,现在是最终对决。先得十一分的人赢。每五分换发一次。
And just so you know, when this started, I was going to put the TARDIS in a discreet corner of the house, 跟你说一声,本来一开始我只是想把塔迪斯放在房子不碍事的角落。
but I've since turned mean, and now it's going right in the middle of the living room on a rotating platform with a sign that says "Suck it". Game on. 可是我现在生气了,所以我会把它摆在客厅的最中间或者放在转台上,并挂着"咬我啊"。比赛开始。
Except...Raj is gonna win. Isn't that right, Raj? 反正拉杰会赢。是不是,拉杰?
Uh, yeah, I mean, her serve was pretty good. 可是她发球发得不错。
Come on, get in her head. Be intimidating. 给点力啊,攻敌先攻心。气势上先压倒她。
Okay, uh...I'm gonna own you, bitch! 好吧...我会虐爆你的,贱人!
Whoa! - Hey! - That's not nice. 说什么呢!-嘿!-太过分了。
Let's just play. 我们还是开始吧。
One-zero. Two. Three. Four. Five-nothing. Wait, did you play badminton or sad-minton? 一比零。二。三。四。五比零。等等,你以前打的是羽毛球还是羽毛糗?
Don't listen to him, all she's got is a serve. Now, grab a fresh tampon and put her away. 别听他的,她就只有发球好。去换个新卫生棉条再来干掉她。
Wha...? A-And that's not offensive? Where's the line? - It's in your purse. Play. 啥?这话就不过分吗?标准到底在哪?-在你的女用皮包里。赶紧打。
One-five. Two-five. Three-five. Four-five. Five-five! 一比五。二比五。三比五。四比五。五比五!
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten-five! 六。七。八。九。十比五!
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten-ten! 六。七。八。九。十比十!