生活大爆炸第八季 第198期:激动人心(在线收听

 Well, that was an exciting 40 seconds. 刚才那四十秒真是激动人心啊。

It was, and now the serve is back to you, and the game is over. 的确是,不过现在回到你发球了,游戏要结束了。
You know, Amy, I, uh...can't help but wonder how Sheldon would react if the TARDIS was at your place. 你知道吗,艾米,我...我一直在想要是塔迪斯在你家,谢尔顿会有什么反应。
Don't listen to her, just hit the ball. 别听她的,快发球。
Keep talking. 继续说。
If this doesn't get him into your bedroom, nothing will. 如果连这个都不能拐他进你闺房,也没有别的可以了。
Are you still mad at me? -Yes. 你还在生我气吗?-对。
We missed our lecture, we were almost arrested, and you got me locked in a room with a man who forced his tongue down the throat of a stuffed Wookie. 我们没赶上演讲,差点被拘捕,你还害我跟一个强行把舌头塞进伍基人玩偶喉咙里的男人关在一起。
Boy, some people are just glass-half-empty. 杯子半空的悲观人儿啊。
The glass is empty, Sheldon. It's completely empty. 杯子是全空的好吗,谢尔顿。完全是空的。
If you gave that glass to a man who was dying of thirst, he would be dead, do you know why? 如果你把那杯子给一个快要渴死的人他就死定了。你知道为什么吗?
Before I answer, was he a smoker? I think you're looking at this all wrong. 我先问一下,他抽烟吗?我觉得你看待事情的角度不对。
Fine, then tell me how I should be looking at it. 好吧,那你告诉我我应该怎么看待这件事。
Well, not only did we go to Skywalker Ranch, we got in. And no one we know can say that. 我们不仅到了天行者农场,还进到里面了。我们认识的人里没人做到过。
And for all the times you find me irritating, today you got to watch someone shoot me with a Taser. 而且你不是一直觉得我很烦人吗,今天你终于看到有人电击我了。
That part was pretty good. 这部分是不错。