跟踪者Stalker 第25期:真正的受害者(在线收听

 No direct POVs.  没有直接的视野

I went up the tree,  爬上树之后
and I can see directly into the living room.  就可以直接看到客厅
There's a view of the couch and the TV.  能看见沙发和电视
Hannah is on the phone, watching "Survivor."  汉娜正在打电话,顺便看电影《幸存者》
"oh, look who got voted off the island."  "那人被投票赶出了这座岛"
"I always hated that creep.  "我一直很讨厌那个怪咖"
I'm starving."  "我好饿"
I see the kitchen, the fridge.  然后看向厨房,有个冰箱
She goes for some string cheese.  她在冰箱里找奶酪棒
Dude, what are you doing?  老兄,你在干嘛
He's role playing.  他在角色扮演
What's going on?  发生了什么
He likes to role play.  他喜欢角色扮演
I follow you around.  跟着你走动
I sit and watch you watch TV,  坐下来看你看电视
but how does that trigger me to break into your house?  但究竟是什么让我突然闯入你房里呢
She goes to her bedroom.  她去了卧室
You watch her undress, go to bed, sleep.  你看着她宽衣,上床睡觉
That would escalate to violence.  会让你产生暴力冲动
But Hannah's bedroom is on the other side of the house.  但汉娜的房间是在房子的另一边
Right. Wait, wait, wait.  没错,等等
There's a window on the right side of the house.  在房子右侧还有一扇窗户
Who's room is that?  这是谁的房间
Thomas' bedroom.  那是托马斯的房间
What if Hannah isn't the target?  也许汉娜不是他的目标
Hannah made a journal of every time she felt followed.  汉娜把每次被跟踪都记在日记里
Where is it?  日记在哪
Daycare, store,playground.  托儿所,商店,运动场
Thomas was with her every time.  托马斯每次都和她在一起
We have the wrong victim. It's thomas.  我们误认了受害人,托马斯才是
Hello?  你好
Hello, Mrs. McCoy.This is Lieutenant Davis.  你好,麦考伊太太,我是戴维斯探长
Yes, Lieutenant Davis?  有事吗,戴维斯探长
Is Thomas OK?  请问托马斯还好吗
Yeah. He's fine.  他很好
He's watching a movie downstairs.  他正在楼下看电影
OK. I don't mean to scare you,  我并不想吓着你
but I need you to check on him right now.  但我需要你现在马上去看看他
What's this all about?  这是为什么
We think the person who broke in might have been there for Thomas.  我们认为闯进你家的人,目标是托马斯
Mom...  妈妈
Thomas?  托马斯
Thomas? Thomas?  托马斯,托马斯
Thomas, baby, where are you?  托马斯,宝贝你在哪里
Thomas?  托马斯
Oh, my god.  我的天哪
Baby?  宝贝
Thomas?  托马斯
Thomas? Thomas?  托马斯,托马斯
Thomas--he's gone. He's not here.  托马斯,他不见了,他不在这里
Thomas? Thomas?  托马斯,托马斯