跟踪者Stalker 第27期:对斯维尼的审问(在线收听

 You're Victor Sweeney?  你叫维克托·斯维尼

You work in a tattoo parlor on Lankershim?  在兰克辛街的纹身店工作
Yeah. What's this about?  是,有何贵干
Hannah McCoy.  汉娜·麦考伊
You did her tattoo, right,  她的纹身是你纹的,对吧
been over her house a couple times?  你还去过她家好几次
Not that I remember.  我不记得
You recognize this toy gun?  你认得这把玩具枪吗
No? Your boots have a very specific tread.  不记得吗,你的靴子鞋印很特别
A lot like this print that we found  很像我们在汉娜卧室窗下
under Hannah's bedroom window.  找到的鞋印
Ok. So I was there. So what?  好吧,我去过,那又怎样
So you're in a relationship with Hannah,  你在跟汉娜约会
and her brother was abducted this afternoon.  而她弟弟今天下午被绑架了
Can you account for your whereabouts today, Victor?  能告诉我们你今天的行踪吗,维克托
I was at home asleep.  我在家睡觉
Wait. You don't think I had something to do with this.  等一下,你们不会以为是我干的吧
You kept your relationship with Hannah a secret.  你跟汉娜搞地下情
Maybe Thomas found out.  没准被托马斯发现了
Maybe you wanted to shut him up.  也许你想让他闭嘴
That's crazy.  你们疯了吧
You have a rap sheet, Victor, mostly petty crimes...  你劣迹斑斑,维克托,多是些小罪
vandalism, drunk and disorderly.  破坏公物,酗酒,扰乱治安
A 28-year-old guy with a 16-year-old girl?  28岁男人跟一个16岁小女孩交往
That's statutory rape.  这可是法定强奸罪啊
It wasn't like that, I swear.  不是那样的,我发誓
I gave Thomas the squirt gun as a present.  那把水枪是我送给托马斯的礼物
He was a nice kid. I would never hurt him, never.  他是个好孩子,我绝对不会伤害他
Hannah mentioned a stalker.  汉娜说有人跟踪她
You were creeping around that house at night.  你总在晚上去她家
You must have seen something.  肯定见过些什么
Once a couple weeks ago...  两周前见过一次
it was pretty late... and then again last week.  那天已经很晚了,上周还有一次
I was leaving her house,  我离开她家的时候
and there was a car parked down the street,  看到街头停着辆车
and I could see someone in the driver's seat,  我可以看到驾驶座上有人
and they were just staring at Hannah's house.  那人在盯着汉娜家
So I figured it had to be the guy.  所以我觉得肯定就是那个人了
You see his face?  你看到他的脸了吗
No. He was wearing a hoodie, and when I came at him,  没有,他穿着件兜帽衫,我冲过去
he screeched off.  他就开走了
What kind of car? What color?  什么车,什么颜色
I don't know, man.  我不知道
Think!  好好想
What kind of car? What color? Come on.  什么车,什么颜色,快想
It was silver or gray, maybe a sedan.  银色或是灰色,可能是辆小轿车 
And you withheld this information why?  这件事你为什么迟迟不说
You know why.  你知道的
Come on. I'm being straight with you guys.  拜托,我已经都跟你们交代了
Tattoo guy said he saw a silver or gray sedan  纹身师说他看到了一辆银色或灰色的轿车
parked in the neighborhood.  停在汉娜家附近
I searched through the pedophile's pictures and found this.  我搜索了那个恋童癖的照片发现了这个
I checked DMV, and it belongs  我查了车管局的资料,车登记在
to Rosemary Wilson, the McCoys' neighbor.  麦考伊的邻居露丝玛丽·威尔森名下
I interviewed her.  我问过她话
Find her now.  马上找到她