跟踪者Stalker 第29期:找到线索(在线收听

 They searched Rosemary's house.  他们搜查了露丝玛丽家

It's her. They found this.  是她干的,他们找到了这个
The place looked like she left in a hurry,  看来她离开得很匆忙
Hasn't been seen since yesterday.  从昨天开始就没人见到了
What about the APB on her car, the amber alert?  对她车发出的全景通告呢,安珀警报呢
There has to be something.  一定有什么线索
I just checked.  我刚查过
Thomas' photo is everywhere.  托马斯的照片到处都是
We've received over two dozen calls.  我们接到了二十多通电话
Nothing is panning out.  还没有结果
That was the real Rosemary Wilson.  那是真正的露丝玛丽·威尔森
Apparently, her sister Judith Ann is who we're looking for.  显然,她姐姐朱蒂丝·安才是我们要找的人
So Rosemary has been using her sister's identity?  那么露丝玛丽一直在使用她姐姐的身份
Do a searchon Judith Ann Wilson.  查一查朱蒂丝·安·威尔森
The real Rosemary lives in Seattle.  真正的露丝玛丽住在西雅图
Seems Judith has problems.  看来朱蒂丝有点问题
She's stolen her sister's identity more than once,  她不止一次盗用她妹妹的身份
thinks people are out to get her.  认为有人要抓她
Sounds like paranoia.  听起来像是妄想狂
Or psychotic delusion.  或是妄想狂精神病
Apparently, Judith hasn't been the same since her son died.  显然,朱蒂丝自从她儿子死后就改变了
Judith Ann Wilson gave birth to a son  九年前朱蒂丝·安·威尔森
James Peterson at Good Samaritan Hospital 9 years ago.  在慈善撒玛利亚医院生下了儿子詹姆斯·彼得森
According to his death certificate,  根据他的死亡证明
James Peterson drowned two years back,   詹姆斯·彼得森两年前被淹死  
ruled accidental.  被认定为意外事件
So Thomas would be the same age her son was when he died.  所以托马斯和她儿子死时一样大
That could've triggered her fixation.  那可能触发了她的偏执
She's looking for a replacement.  她在寻找死去儿子的替身
Ok. So where did she take Thomas?  那她会把托马斯带去哪里
Is there a father listed?  有记录父亲的信息吗
Derek Peterson, accountant, lives in the south bay.  德里克·彼得森,会计,住在南部海滩
You think she's trying to put her family back together?  你觉得她在试图重建家庭吗
Or he might know where she took him.  他可能知道她会带孩子去哪