跟踪者Stalker 第65期:试衣间里的小丑(在线收听

 Candy striper or French maid?  护士助手,还是法式女仆

I thought we were gonna do a theme together.  我们不是要做主题派对吗
Exactly. Candy striper or French maid?  对啊,是护士助手系列,还是女仆系列
No. Too sexy.  不要了,太性感
What about this one?  这件怎么样
Saloon hookers.  酒吧应召女
You just want to be slutty.  你怎么就往色情上靠
We're throwing a party, not an orgy.  我们是开派对,不是搞滥交会
Our first party at our new digs.  这是我们新公寓的第一场派对啊
Let's not send the wrong message.  千万别给人家留下错误印象
Fine. Ok. Slutty it is.  好吧,那就淫荡一点吧
I'll try it on, no promises.  我去试试,不保证会穿
You just keep looking.  你再逛逛别的好了
We're closing in 15.  我们15分钟后打烊
Oh. Hi. I'm in here.  这里有人了
Annie?  安妮
Nice outfit.  衣服不错
Ok, clown. Enough.  好了,小丑,可以了
Do I know you? Bobby?  我们认识吗?波比?
Take care, clown.  你自己保重,小丑
Annie? Somebody? 安妮?有人吗?
Annie!  安妮
Aah! Help me! Help me! Help me!  救命啊,来人啊
What is it?  怎么了
In the dressing room. He attacked me.  在试衣间,有人袭击了我
Call the police.  快报警
Why is he doing this?  他为什么这么做